项目名称: 面向嵌入式可信网络的实时性分析研究
项目编号: No.61202015
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 鞠雷
作者单位: 山东大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 嵌入式网络作为传统互联网的延伸,是物联网传输层的重要组成部分。可信性与实时性作为嵌入式网络系统的核心设计需求,近年来成为学术界与工业界关注的热点。然而,当前面向网络的可信性与实时性的研究往往相对独立,缺乏对两者统一建模、设计及分析的理论依据。本项目将从网络系统架构、安全机制及路由协议等方面入手,对嵌入式网络的可信性与实时性之间的关系进行量化研究。首先,对可信计算平台与可信网络系统进行面向具体应用的实时性分析。在此基础上,设计融合信任预测管理模型与实时性分析的网络路由协议,同时保障网络通信的可信性与实时性需求。最终,实现路由协议、可信架构与实时性分析间的自适应反馈机制,指导对系统性能、能耗、安全强度等方面的优化与配置。本项目基于理论研究、仿真测试以及原型系统验证,将提出一套面向可信、实时嵌入式网络的建模、设计及分析的完整的系统解决方案,为推动物联网的发展与应用提供理论依据与技术支持。
中文关键词: 嵌入式系统;实时系统;专用指令集处理器;存储系统;路由协议
英文摘要: As extensions of the traditional Internet, embedded networks become an important communication layer component of the Internet of Things (IoTs). Trust and real-time both serve as the key design requirements of an embedded network, which attract huge attention from research and industry communities recently. However, there are few joint studies of these two topics, resulted in lack of unified modeling, analysis and design methodologies to achieve both targets simultaneously. In this project, we will do a quantitative study of the relationship between trust and real-time, from aspects of the network architecture, the security mechanism, and the routing protocol. We will propose application-specific real-time analysis techniques for the trusted computing platform and trusted network. By combining the trust prediction and management model and real-time analysis, we will design new routing protocols, which achieve both trust and real-time in the network communication. Based on the above-mentioned work, we will propose a feedback strategy among routing protocol, trusted architecture, and real-time analysis, which guides the optimization on the system performance, energy consumption, and security level. Based on the theoretic study, simulation and prototype verification, this project will eventually lead to a comprehen
英文关键词: Embedded systems;Real-time systems;ASIP;Memory system;Routing protocol