项目名称: 集总经验模态分解法提取光纤振动入侵信号的研究
项目编号: No.61503341
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 熊卫华
作者单位: 浙江理工大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 光纤传感技术在世界油气储运界的开发和应用给管道安全防范带来了新的希望,它能够在对管道造成破坏之前,预先检测出破坏行为的威胁并及时告警,给管道运营商留有足够的时间来制止破坏行为,扭转管道运输业当前被动局面,减少损失。课题研究集总经验模态分解方法分析光纤振动信号,提取故障模式,识别并预警。首先采用集总经验模态分解包含噪声的振动信号,筛选本征模态函数,利用软阈值方法甄别噪声和振动频谱,实现振动信号的预处理。进一步对各组本征模态函数进行Hilbert变换,利用掩蔽效应将信号所在频段划分若干频带,获得Hilbert能量谱,计算子带能量及其差分、和Teager复合能量、过零率等一起组成振动特征向量,输入模糊最小二乘支持向量机进行判断,从而对大噪声、长距离的振动状态进行识别,当在管线附近有挖掘或者非法入侵事件,诊断并告警,精确定位振动位置,尽可能的挽回经济损失。
中文关键词: 过程监测;故障特征提取;故障模式分析
英文摘要: Optical fiber sensing technology has brought new hope to the pipeline safety precautions in the development and application of world oil and gas storage and transportation industry. It can carry out early detection, warning and location of the acts before the detected damage and destruction of the threats, so pipeline operators have plenty of time to stop the destruction of behavior and reduce the loss changing the current passive situation of pipeline transportation. The research topic introduces ensemble empirical mode decomposition(EEMD) into.analysis of optical fiber vibration signal, extracting fault model and early warning. Firstly, vibration signal containing noise is decomposed into a number of intrinsic mode function(IMF) components whose scale is gradually increasing after EEMD. Secondly, the IMFs are obtained from the noisy signal by threshold denoising method based on the signal and noise energy distribution characteristics. Thirdly, Hilbert energy spectrum obtaining sub-band energy(SE), DSE, SECC, DSECC is got by applying the Hilbert transform to IMFs, after the masking effect to divide.vibration signal into several frequency band. Finally, vibration feature vector composited of characteristics of each band and normalized short-term energy by the Teager operator is inputted into the fuzzy least squares support vector machine to recognize different fault mode. Vibrating feature based on EEMD, the Hilbert energy spectrum and Teager energy provides new ideas for fault diagnosis with noisy environments and remote detection. When mining or illegal intrusion events exists in the vicinity of the pipeline, the optical fiber vibration can recognize.fault and make alarm, with accurate positioning vibration position, as far as possible to retrieve the economic loss.
英文关键词: Process Monitoring;Failure Feature Extraction;Failure Mode Analysis