项目名称: 大气灰霾微物理参数多波长拉曼激光雷达探测研究
项目编号: No.41205119
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 大气科学学科
项目作者: 董云升
作者单位: 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 大气灰霾是亟待解决环境问题之一,其已经对我国经济发展和人民健康造成严重影响和危害。目前国内对灰霾污染的研究刚起步,缺乏对灰霾微物理特性和垂直空间分布的研究,尤其是长期的时空分布观测研究,而灰霾的微物理参数(粒径谱、单次反照率等)及其垂直时空分布信息的是灰霾污染机理研究和灰霾预测模型的关键输入参数。因此,开展灰霾微物理参数遥测研究具有重要科学意义和应用价值。 本课题从理论背景研究着手,根据颗粒物Mie散射理论和Fredholm理论,分析微物理参数与光学参数间的函数关系,建立大气灰霾微物理参数的反演方法;根据灰霾粒子的特性,建立激光雷达大气灰霾遥感识别和表征方法;设计适用于大气灰霾微物理参数研究的多波长拉曼激光雷达,对大气灰霾多波长的消光系数、退偏振比以及大气水汽混合比等参数进行准确测量反演,实现灰霾微物理参数连续观测研究,开展合肥地区大气灰霾光学参数和微物理参数垂直分布廓线统计特征研究。
中文关键词: 多波长拉曼激光雷达;大气灰霾;光学参数;微物理参数;水汽廓线
英文摘要: Atmospheric haze pollution is one of the urgent environmental problems needed to be resolved at present, which has great harm and effect to our country's economic development and people health. The present domestic study of haze pollution just begin, and the study on the microphysical character parameters and spatial distribution of atmospheric haze particle is lacked, especially lacking of long-term observation data, however the microphysical parameters such as particle size spectrum, single scattering albedo, etc. and vertical profile is the key parameters of the study on the mechanisms and optical prediction model of haze pollution. Thus, the study on atmospheric haze's microphysical parameters using lidar has important scientific significance and practical value. Beginning with the (aerosol) theoretical background, basing on Mie scattering theory and Ferdholm theory, analyzing the function of microphysical parameters with optical parameters, the inversion method of haze microphysical parameters is established. And basing on characteristics of haze particles, the method of recognition and characterization of haze particles is established. Durning the study, the multi-wavelength Raman lidar is designed and developed for the observation of haze particles extinction, depolarization ratio, and water vapor mixin
英文关键词: Multiwavelength Raman lidar;Atmospheric Haze;Optical Parameters;Microphysical parameters;Water Vapor Profile