项目名称: 基于准周期共鸣器阵列的声阻抗突变界面爆裂声抑制研究
项目编号: No.11304229
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王旭
作者单位: 同济大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 近年来,周期性Helmholtz共鸣器阵列已经被发现在不同的尺度上、不同频率范围内有着广泛的应用前景:如声隐形超材料设计、列车隧道口辐射声抑制及低频宽带无源噪声控制等。本项目以这些前期研究为基本背景,以声阻抗突变界面处的爆裂声问题为切入点,拟采用理论研究、数值模拟、实验验证相结合的方法,深入探讨周期性及准周期性共鸣器阵列的结构特性,重点对(准)周期性共鸣器阵列的禁带特征以及非线性波在该结构中的传播特性等问题展开研究;并在此基础性研究之上,进而探讨基于准周期性共鸣器阵列的声阻抗突变界面处爆裂声的抑制方法。
中文关键词: 共鸣器;周期性结构;声学阵列;;
英文摘要: Periodic Helmholtz resonators array has been found of extensive applications in different acoustic frequency ranges with different scale of geometries. For example, it is found to be a new class of metamaterials to realize the acoustic cloaking; it can be mounted in the train tunnel to suppress the acoustic shock wave formed in the tunnel due to the entrance of the high-speed trains; and it can be an effective noise control method based on the low-frequency wide forbidden-band resulted from the combination of the Bragg reflection and resonance under specific conditions. Based on these findings, this research aims at further understanding on the acoustic performance of the periodic and quasi-periodic Helmholtz resonators array by investigating the characteristics of its forbidden-band and the nonlinear sound propagation inside theoretically, numerically and experimentally. Moreover, this research will further seek the potential application of quasi-periodic Helmholtz resonators array on the suppression of bursting sound radiation from the acoustic impedance-mutation interface.
英文关键词: Helmoholtz resonator;periodic structure;acoustic array;;