项目名称: 大学生非正规就业及其对收入不平等的影响研究
项目编号: No.71303266
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 李小瑛
作者单位: 中山大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 高校毕业生人数增加、正规部门新增就业不足和非正规就业的快速发展,使得大学生选择非正规就业的比重越来越高,国内外现有的研究较少对大学生非正规就业这种新的就业选择行为及其影响进行研究。本项目在现有研究基础上,运用微观调研数据和劳动经济学、计量经济学的相关理论和方法,首先,考察高校扩招以来大学生非正规就业的规模及其变动,进而分析影响大学生非正规就业的个人特征因素、家庭经济社会地位、高校特征和劳动力市场政策分别对大学生非正规就业选择的影响,其次,在不同收入分位数上利用反事实的分解方法考察影响非正规就业对大学生收入差距的影响,进而在考虑样本异质性基础上,利用Cohort分析的方法分析大学生非正规就业对其长期收入不平等的影响,最后考察大学生非正规就业如何影响代际之间的收入不平等。本研究基于我国劳动力市场发展面临的新问题而提出,全面系统的考察这一问题对完善大学生就业的相关政策具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 非正规就业;异质性;大学毕业生;农民工;劳动合同法
英文摘要: After the start of higher education expansion in 1999, there is a rapid rise of supply of college graduates. Meanwhile, the informal employment begins to take larger share of new labor market positions, which leads more and more college graduates fall into informal employment. In this project, based on micro-level survey data and the methodology of labor economics and econometrics, we will (1) estimate the size and the trend of informal employment of college graduates after the higher education expansion; (2) investigate four categories of factors that will affect the choice of employment of college graduates, meanwhile decide whether the group of informal employed college graduates are homogenous or heterogeneous compared to other informal employed workers; (3) decompose the income difference between formally employed and informally college graduates by quantile regression and the counter-factual prediction methodology, and use cohort study to analyze the dynamic effects of informal employment on income inequality among college graduates; (4) investigate the effects of informal employment on inter-generational income inequality and mobility for college graduates.This project is a good attempt trying to analyze the newly emerging employment of college graduates with reliable empirical studies, and it has pract
英文关键词: informal employment;heterogeneity;college graduates;migrant workers;Labor Contract Law