项目名称: 光子晶体与电子注波互作用的Cherenkov辐射机理及应用研究
项目编号: No.61501302
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 傅涛
作者单位: 桂林电子科技大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 本项目提出了在光子晶体结构中利用电子注与光子晶体结构互作用的Cherenkov效应产生毫米波辐射的设想,利用光子晶体本身具有的周期结构特性构建慢波结构,从而与电子注进行注波互作用后产生辐射。通过分析注波互作用的理论机理,建立相关的物理模型,并利用线性、非线性及粒子模拟等手段,分析探讨光子晶体慢波结构的色散特性及Cherenkov辐射的各项特性。在此基础上,研制高频系统,优化系统参数,有效的提高输出功率和注波互作用效率,为后期设计以光子晶体结构为基础的各种高频系统提供设计基础。本项目的研究成果及解决的关键技术,可以为发展光子晶体新型毫米波及THz波源奠定坚实的理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 真空器件;真空微波源;Cherenkov辐射;光子晶体;注波互作用
英文摘要: This project proposes an idea of millimeter wave radiation from beam-wave interaction between photonic crystal structure based on Cherenkov effect. The slow wave structure is constructed by the periodic characteristic of photonic crystal. The radiation is generated by beam wave interaction with photonic crystal. The dispersion characteristics of photonic crystal slow wave system and the properties of the Cherenkov radiation are obtained by the theoretical analysis of the mechanism of the beam wave interaction, establishment of the related physical model , the linear, nonlinear and particle simulation method. Therefore, the development of high-frequency system, optimization of the system parameters and improving the output power and beam wave interaction efficiency effectively are carried out based on the slow wave properties. This project provides a design basis for a variety of high frequency system based on photonic crystal structure in later design. The research results and key technology of this project can provide a solid theoretical and technical basis for the development of novel photonic crystal millimeter and THz wave source.
英文关键词: Cherenkov radiation;photonic crystal;slow wave Structure;THz;beam wave interaction