项目名称: 自组装纳米超晶结构对机械性能的影响及应用
项目编号: No.21503237
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 闫聪
作者单位: 中国科学院化学研究所
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 自组装纳米粒子超晶因为具有光学,电学和磁学等多方面的特性而被广泛研究并有广阔的应用前景,然而作为决定纳米粒子超晶应用性的一个关键因素,机械性能,其相关特性研究却处于起步阶段。目前发现纳米粒子超晶的机械性能和粒子晶型,大小,包覆剂等因素有关,但实验结果目前仍不完善,甚至有相反的结论出现,理论模拟也不能解释全部的实验现象。最新研究表明,通过调控自组装超晶的结构,有可能制备具有类似橡胶的柔性超晶,并且实验结果表明超晶结构对机械性能的影响大于粒子大小包覆剂等其它因素的,但这种影响目前还没有相关系统研究发表。基于此,本课题将围绕自组装纳米粒子超晶结构对其机械性能的影响展开系列研究,通过合成和测试不同结构,不同种类的自组装纳米粒子超晶机械性能,研究和总结相关规律,并在此基础上结合纳米超晶的光学、电学或者磁学特性,尝试最终制备可调控机械性能并且具有实用价值的纳米超晶材料。
中文关键词: 自组装;金属纳米粒子;超晶;机械性能
英文摘要: Self-assembly nanoparticle supercrystals are of great interests in both academic and industrial areas due to their novel optic, electronic and magnetic properties. However, their mechanical properties, which determine the application of supercrystals, are not well studied. Previous researches reveal that the mechanical properties are related with the building-block nanoparticles’ crystallinity, size or their ligands, etc., while some controversial results are reported and neither experimental nor theoretical studies give a clear explanation. Recently, it is reported that soft supercrystals could be assembled by tuning the superlattice morphology, which indicates that the impact from the structure on the mechanical property is greater than that from the nanoparticle size or ligands. The structural effect on the mechanical property is far from well-understand and it could be one of the key points to tune the mechanical property of supercrystals. Therefore, in this project, a number of supercrystals with different structures and building blocks will be assembled and their mechanical properties will be tested, in order to determine the mechanism that affect the elastic modulus of supercrystals. Moreover, the impact of supercrystals structures on their optic, electronic or magnetic properties will also be considered, with the ultimate aim to fabricate nanoparticle supercrystals with dramatic mechanical properties for industrialization.
英文关键词: self-assembly;metal nanoparticles;supercrystals;mechanical property