项目名称: 新型内嵌原子簇富勒烯的合成及其物理化学性质研究
项目编号: No.51302178
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 谌宁
作者单位: 苏州大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 内嵌富勒烯是新型的纳米碳材料,在电子、能源、生物医学等领域有广阔的应用前景。在已报道的几种内嵌富勒烯中,内嵌原子簇富勒烯是稳定性和产率最高的一类,也是当前富勒烯材料领域的研究热点。内嵌原子簇可通过多种金属与非金属原子的结合而形成不同的结构,这种多样性对内嵌原子簇富勒烯的电子结构和物理化学性质有重要的调控作用。本项目的研究目标在于制备一系列新结构的内嵌硫化物/磷化物富勒烯,探索新结构内嵌原子簇的合成,并对这一系列新型内嵌原子簇富勒烯进行物理化学性质研究,探讨内嵌原子簇的变化对其电子结构和化学反应性的影响。通过对电化学结晶法所获得的内嵌原子簇富勒烯离子晶体的结构解析,研究内嵌原子簇富勒烯在还原前后的结构变化和电化学还原的机理。这些研究成果将对内嵌原子簇富勒烯作为新型纳米碳材料的应用产生推动作用。
中文关键词: 内嵌富勒烯;原子簇;合成;电化学;性质
英文摘要: Endohedral fullerenes are novel nano carbon materials and have great potentials on the application in the research fields such as electronics, energy and biomedicine etc. Clusterfullerenes represent a branch of endohedral fullerenes with the highest thermal stability and product yield and have become the focus in the recent research of fullerene materials. The endohedral clusters are formed by the combination of variable metal and non-metal atoms, which give rise to extreme versatility to alter electronic structures and properties of the clusterfullerenes. Our objective is to synthesize a series of sulfide clusterfullerenes and phosphorous clusterfullerenes with novel endohedral structures. The physical and chemical properties of these clusterfullerenes will be investigated upon the successful synthesis and purification, focusing on the tuning effect of endohedral cluster on the electronic structures and chemical reactivity of the clusterfullerenes. The structural change of the clusterfullerenes upon the electrochemcial reduction and the mechanism of this process will be studied via the electrocrystallizaition method. These studies will provide an important insight into the structures and properties of clusterfullerenes and offer a boarder spectrum of application of these novel nano carbon materials.
英文关键词: endohedral fullerenes;cluster;synthesis;electrochemistry;properties