项目名称: 基于可移动摄像头的协同式安全监控和目标跟踪
项目编号: No.61202468
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 计算机科学学科
项目作者: 王田
作者单位: 华侨大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 新兴的视频监控蕴藏着巨大的应用价值,如何实现高效的、安全的视频监控是众多应用的核心问题。为了实现这一目标,本研究拟引入可移动的摄像头来实现对监控区域和目标进行多角度地监控或跟踪。通过多个摄像头之间的配合,我们拟为摄像头规划合理的移动路线,尽量用最少数量的摄像头实现最好的监控效果,这不但可以扩大传统的固定位置的摄像头的监控范围,而且不易被犯罪嫌疑人掌握摄像头的移动规律。通过设计合理的摄像头调度、规划算法,当系统中某些摄像头遭到破坏或者遇到机械故障时,其它摄像头可以快速补位,消除监控盲区,而当发现可疑目标时,多个摄像头将协作地对该目标进行移动式跟踪。最后,我们将搭建小型实验平台,收集真实的数据,对设计的算法进行模拟测试和实验评估。本研究成果对传统固定摄像头的视频监控的具有重要的意义,大大提高当今的视频监控能力。
中文关键词: 移动摄像头;路径规划;移动式监控;接力跟踪;监控安全
英文摘要: There is huge application value for nowadays video surveillances, where the key problem is how to obtain the efficient and secure surveillance effects. To this end, we plan to introduce mobile cameras to provide multi-angle surveillances or tracking for the area and objects we care about. We'll design appropriate mobility paths for mobile cameras, then a minimum number of cameras will cooperate with each other and may produce the optimal surveillance effect. By doing so, not only the surveillance coverage is extended but also it is hard for criminals to pry the mobile patterns. Moreover, we'll design proper schedule algorithms so that when there are blind spots caused by malicious damage or mechanical problems of cameras some other cameras could move rapidly to "fill the gap". Besides, when there are suspicious characters detected our mobile cameras could cooperatively follow and track them. Finally, we'll develop a prototype system and collect the real data to evaluate and justify the methods proposed. The research results will have important directive to the traditional fixed camera surveillances, which could greatly improve the surveillance ability of nowadays.
英文关键词: Mobile cameras;Path design;Mobile surveillance;Relay tracking;Surveillance security