项目名称: IUD用纳米铜/改性聚合物复合材料在模拟宫腔液中的金属离子释放行为
项目编号: No.51463005
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 徐涛
作者单位: 贵州大学
项目金额: 49万元
中文摘要: 宫内节育器(IUD)是国内外广泛采用的避孕工具,目前以第二代活性IUD为主。研究表明,带铜IUD采用的是裸铜结构,不能有效地解决如下问题:(1)铜离子释放过程的调控,避免爆释现象的产生;(2)在宫腔液中存在大量腐蚀副产物。在药物的控释和靶向方面的研究发现,用一定的载体将药物夹持,通过调节载体的结构可以避免药物爆释现象的产生,达到控释的目的。本研究拟利用微发泡聚合物(聚丙烯、聚乙烯、硅橡胶)技术使基体材料形成微、纳米米级泡孔同时利用温敏材料PNIPAAm对聚合物进行接枝改性,在体液温度环境下提高基体材料的亲水性,以改性聚合物材料作为夹持基体材料,与纳米铜共混形成复合体系,使宫腔液与纳米铜可以更加充分的接触,使体系在避免爆释现象的产生的同时提高溶液中铜离子的含量。在此基础上,深入研究模拟宫腔液中纳米金属/改性聚合物复合体系的腐蚀行为,建立纳米金属离子释放的动力学模型。
中文关键词: 纳米复合材料;宫内节育器;缓释
英文摘要: The impact of population growth has been widely recognized, particularly in developing countries. The intrauterine devices(IUD) is highly effective in preventing pregnancy. With the development of IUDs, a number of copper-bearing devices are now commercially available including the copper-7 and copper-T in various other forms so called the second generation IUDs. A lot of research results, showed that, when copper immerged in uterine fluids(equal to Cu-IUD in uterus), at early days, especially former 3 days, there exists exquisite corrosion phenomena of copper ,so called burst release of cupric ion. This kind of phenomena will result in side effects, such as bleeding, celiac ache, dysmenorrhea,et al. On the other hand, a lot of corrosive products , such as Cu2O, Cu(OH),produced in the process of copper corrosion will obstruct cupric ion release may have a negative influence of birth control effectiveness of Cu-IUD. Usually, in the uterine fluids, corrosion products occupied 2/3, cupric ion occupied 1/3 for the corrosive gross of copper. Nevertheless, increase of content of cupric ion will just enhance contraceptive effectiveness of Cu-IUD. Base above, we want to design a kind of new material nano-Cu/polymer composites used for IUD. Two problems above wished to be solved by one, control-released effect of polymer materials to control burst release of cupric ion, other, high activity of nano-materials to increase content of cupric ion in uterine fluids for its biologic value in use. The aim of this project is to investigate the mechanism of cupric ion release behavior in simulated uterine fluids for nano-Cu/PNIPAAm-grafted micro form polymer composites in order to basic foundation for this new kind materials used for IUD.
英文关键词: IUD;nano composites;slow release