项目名称: 罕遇地震下导管架平台动力灾变机理与倒塌控制研究
项目编号: No.51509184
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 其他
项目作者: 朱本瑞
作者单位: 天津大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 本课题面向固定式海洋石油平台的抗震工程,系统开展强震作用下导管架平台结构的动力倒塌分析方法、平台动力灾变过程模拟技术以及结构抗震鲁棒性评价与损伤控制方法的研究。试图揭示罕遇地震下海洋导管架平台结构的动力灾变机理,明确倒塌过程中平台失效路径传递与变化规律,探讨结构内力重分布机制及平台倒塌模式;致力于发展地震载荷下导管架平台灾变全过程的高效数值模拟技术,实现平台倒塌全过程的可视化;研究海洋平台结构鲁棒性的定量评价方法以及平台倒塌破坏模式的控制技术,对平台结构进行性能优化,使其整体倒塌失效模式具有可预见性与可控性,降低其倒塌失效的概率与失效后果。本课题研究将推动海洋工程结构地震环境下抗倒塌设计理论与方法的发展,为我国海洋平台结构的抗震设计与安全运行提供理论与技术支持,降低震区海域海洋油气开采的风险性,具有良好的学术价值与工程应用前景。
中文关键词: 海洋平台;罕遇地震;动力灾变;倒塌机理;灾变控制
英文摘要: This project aims to the anti-seismic issue of fixed offshore platforms. Systematic investigation on the dynamic collapse analysis method, numerical simulation of the whole dynamic catastrophic process, robustness assessment and control on seismic collapse. The main objectives of the project are to unveil the dynamic catastrophe mechanism of jacket-type platforms under strong earthquake condition, to analysis the transfer and alteration of failure paths in the collapse process, and to discuss the internal force redistribution and collapse modes; to develop highly-efficient numerical simulation method and visualize the whole dynamic desertification process of jacket platforms; to propose new robustness index and study the quantitative robustness analysis methods and to develop control methodologies and techniques for structure collapse failure, and then optimize the platform structure design and increase predictability and controllability on the platform collapse failure, eventually reduce platform collapse failure probability and consequence. This project will significantly promote the development of anti-collapse design theories for large offshore structures, provide both theoretical and technological support for the anti-seismic design and safe service of offshore platforms, and the offshore oil and gas exploration and production risk under strong ground motions will be reduced. The project is expected to benefit both academic research and engineering application.
英文关键词: jacket platforms;strong earthquake;dynamic catastrophe;collapse mechanism;disaster control