项目名称: 资源导向型对等网络下服务发现与服务组合的研究
项目编号: No.61272353
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 卢苇
作者单位: 北京交通大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 对等网络技术的快速发展推动了计算技术的深入研究,尤其是大量分布式节点同时工作以实现大规模服务计算正成为新的研究热点。本项目通过构建资源导向型非结构化对等网络将分散在网络中性能有保证的服务节点组织在一起,形成服务覆盖网络,各个节点相互协作,执行动态服务组合。本项目重点研究以下三方面内容:(1)资源分布导向型非结构化对等网络的构建和资源搜索算法。包括资源分布特性的分析、对等网络中节点分组策略、分层算法、路由算法,在此基础上构建一个能够通过资源特性迅速定位到目标资源的非结构化对等网络。(2)服务语义和服务发现机制。包括服务语义的表示、语义间的匹配等,并构建一套能在非结构化对等网络中应用的服务表达和快速定位机制,从而能够根据服务质量的要求在网络中快速定位目标服务。(3)服务组合。利用组合优化理论和鲁棒优化方法,研究服务组合路径的搜索算法,从而在非结构化对等网络中快速获得可靠性较高的服务组合方案。
中文关键词: 非结构化对等网络;资源导向型;服务语义;服务发现;服务组合
英文摘要: The rapid development of Peer to Peer (P2P)network technology promotes the research on computing,especially the simultaneous calculation on a large number of distributed nodes to achieve large-scale service computingis becoming a new hotspot. In this project,the novel distributed service composition model are studied and implemented on the basis of constructing resource-oriented unstructured P2P network. The project will focus on the following three main aspects: (1)Constructionmethod of resource-oriented unstructured P2P network and resource search algorithms, including characteristics analysis of distributed resources, grouping strategies for nodes, hierarchical algorithms, routing algorithms. Based on these studies, a resource-oriented unstructured P2P network can be built and the target resource can be located quickly. (2) Service semantics and service discovery mechanism. The study will concentrate on service semantics form and service discovery method, and build the mechanism for service semantics expression and fast service discovery to locate the target service quickly according to the service quality requirements. (3) Service composition model. Robust optimization algorithms and combination optimization algorithms will be indepth studied to achieve the optimal service composition solution with high re
英文关键词: Unstructured Peer to Peer Network;Resource-oriented;Service Semantics;Service Discovery;Service Composition