项目名称: 颗粒破碎及其对颗粒材料破坏行为影响的宏细观模拟
项目编号: No.10802060
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 原子能技术
项目作者: 楚锡华
作者单位: 武汉大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 以天然砂砾料和人工堆石料等一大类可破碎颗粒材料为背景,基于离散颗粒模型、连续介质模型以及均匀化方法和多尺度技术,发展了颗粒材料以及包含颗粒破碎影响的颗粒材料宏细观模型及数值方案。在细观上,发展完善了能够模拟颗粒破碎的分级离散颗粒模型,在宏观上发展了能够模拟颗粒材料破坏特征以及破碎影响的亚塑性模型、亚弹性模型以及Cosserat连续体模型。此外,分析了颗粒材料常用的Mohr-Coulomb与Drucker-Prager屈服理论之间参数转换的力学意义及误差。
中文关键词: 颗粒材料;颗粒破碎;离散颗粒模型;连续体模型;数值模拟
英文摘要: The macro/micro models and numerical methods for the crushable granular materials such as natural gravels, rockfill materials, are developed based on the discrete particle model and the continuum model. At the micro level, the hierarchical multi-scale discrete particle model is developed and the effects of particle crushing on macro-behavior are simulated; at the macro level, the hypo-plasticity model, the hypo-elasticity model and the Cosserat model, which can be used to simulate the character of failure of granular materials and to account the effect of particle crushing, are developed. In addition, the general formula, the error estimation and the mechanical meaning for parameters matching from Mohr-Coulomb to Drucker-Prager are provided.
英文关键词: granular materials;particle crushing; discrete particle model; continuum model; numerical simulation