项目名称: d电子和半芯态电子修饰的高效真空紫外三基色荧光粉的发光动力学研究
项目编号: No.51202099
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无机非金属材料学科
项目作者: 张稚雅
作者单位: 兰州大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 高效真空紫外发光材料涉及绿色平面光源、智能3D显示与现代平板显示、新型固体激光器与闪烁体探测器以及特种军用仪表显示与指示相关产品的生产应用,是一个有重要理论和经济意义的研究领域。目前国内外对真空紫外发光材料的研究大都仅局限于静态光谱学与经验性改性研究,而对其发光动力学的研究还很少,没有从根本上解决真空紫外发光材料发光效率低的普遍应用缺陷。本项目明确针对目前的真空紫外商用三基色荧光粉,以d电子和半芯态电子对其带隙附近的基质电子结构实施修饰,以时间分辨扫描光谱和低温光谱技术为主要的实验研究手段,同时结合电子结构的第一原理理论计算,系统研究真空紫外发光的动力学过程,发展高效真空紫外发光材料的电子结构设计理论,力争将现有商用三基色荧光粉的发光效率提高1.5-1.8倍,设计和开发高效的新型材料1-2种。
中文关键词: 真空紫外发光材料;电子结构计算;非键d电子元素;能量传递;层状材料
英文摘要: Highly-efficient vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) luminescent materials involve the applications of green planar lighting, high-performance 3D and planar displays, new-generation solid-state lasers and scintillation detectors,and special military displays and indicators. It is a field of theoretical and economic significance. Current investigations on VUV luminescent materials are mainly limited to static spectroscopy and empirical modifications and lack luminescent dynamics study. The present project will mainly focus on the commercial tri-color phosphors and modify their electronic structures near the bandgap by d electrons and semi-core electrons. Time-resolved and low-temperature spectroscopy will be employed as the main experimental tools. At the same time,first-principle electronic structure calculation will be utilized. It aims at a systematic study of the VUV luminescent dynamics. The concept of electronic structure engineering of efficient VUV phophors will be developed.It is expected to improve the luminescent efficiency of the current commercial tri-color phosphors by 1.5-1.8 times and explore more than one type of novel efficient VUV phosphors.
英文关键词: Vacuum violet phosphors;Theoretical calculations on electronic properties;Elements with non-bonding d electron;Energy transfer;Layered materials