项目名称: 龙泉大窑官瓷的物理化学性质和识别依据的核分析研究
项目编号: No.11205167
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学II
项目作者: 李丽
作者单位: 中国科学院高能物理研究所
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 龙泉青瓷在我国青瓷史上占有极重要的地位,具有很高的技术和艺术水平,以往研究龙泉青瓷的热点多数集中在宋元龙泉窑产品上。由于之前没有发现龙泉官窑或专供朝廷使用的官瓷,所以少有龙泉官瓷的相关研究。龙泉大窑遗址之一枫洞岩窑址考古发掘后,在明代初期地层出土了大量刻"官"款的残片,使人们重新认识了明代龙泉窑的生产规模和制瓷水平,为系统科学研究明代龙泉官瓷的制瓷工艺、内在物理化学性质和建立识别依据提供了珍贵的样品。本项目拟系统收集枫洞岩窑址出土的洪武和永乐的官器作为主要研究对象,收集元明和南北宋龙泉大窑出土的青瓷作为对比样品,采用NAA,XRF,μ-XRF,EPMA和SR-XAFS等多种核分析手段研究龙泉窑官瓷和民用瓷胎釉配方改变、烧制技术发展、元素分布和釉面呈色元素价态变化;通过窑址出土的官器与民用器的科学对比分析,建立官器和民用器的判别依据;结合传统的考古手段,研究枫洞岩窑址在元末明初的窑场性质。
中文关键词: 枫洞岩窑址;龙泉官瓷;民用瓷;胎釉配方;显微结构
英文摘要: Longquan celadon with the higher firing technology and artistic merit play a significant role in the history of Chinese ancient celadon. In the past, the research interests focus on the Longquan celadon in the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty. However, there are few reports on imperial porcelain of Longquan celadon,due to the lack of samples unearthed from kilns. After Fengdongyan kiln site at Dayao of Longquan kiln was excavated, a mass of porcelain shards carved with "Guan" at the bottom were unearthed in the layer of early Ming Dynasty. These shards provide precious samples for studying making process, internal physical chemical properties and scientifically Identification. Therefore, it is imperative to re-know the scale of production and firing technology. In this project, the imperial porcelains in the Hongwu and Yongle periods excavated at Fengdongyan kiln are the major research objects, and the civilian porcelains in the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties are also collected for comparison. The difference of material formulation in body and glaze, the development of firing technology, the distribution of elements and the variation of valence state of elements for the imperial and civilian porcelains are studied by nuclear analysis technology, such as NAA, XRF, μ-XRF, EPMA and SR-XAFS. The identification cri
英文关键词: Fengdongyan kiln;the imperial porcelain of Longquan;the civilian porcelain;the formula of body and glaze;the microstructure