项目名称: 基于压力特征的变压器数字式非电量保护研究
项目编号: No.51277142
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 郝治国
作者单位: 西安交通大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对电力变压器机械式非电量保护动作可靠性不足的问题,研究数字式非电量保护原理及实现技术。分析变压器油箱内部故障气体及压力波震源产生的机理,建立压力波在气、液、固介质多场耦合传播的数学模型,在COMSOL Multiphysics环境下建立实际变压器几何模型及数学模型接口,计算分析变压器各类运行状态下油箱内部瞬时压力分布云图及变化规律;研究故障能量密度、故障点位置、故障持续时间等因素对压力特征的影响,依据油箱内外故障、非正常运行等状态下瞬时压力幅值、压力变化趋势、压力波振动频率等特征的差异,提出绕组匝间、匝地故障动作于跳闸及发热、局部放电故障动作于信号的变压器数字式非电量保护原理及保护判据,研究保护整定计算原则及方法;综合考虑压力分布特征、经济性、可实现性等因素,提出变压器压力传感器安装数量及位置的优化布置方案,开发基于压力特征的变压器数字式非电量保护实验室样机。
中文关键词: 电力变压器;油压;非电量保护;多场耦合;瓦斯保护
英文摘要: In this project, in allusion to the defects of transformer's conventional mechanical non-electrical protection, principles as well as implementation technologies of transformer's digital non-electrical protection will be studied. Firstly the mechanism of the formation of both fault gas and pressure wave source in transformer tank will be studied, and then the mathematical models considering the pressure wave's spreading behavior coupled in gas, liquid and solid medium field will be built. Further the multi-physical direct coupling analysis software COMSOL Multiphsics will be utilized for the simulation and calculation of dynamic variation of pressure in transformer tank after the failure. In the meanwhile, transformer tank internal faults dynamic test platform will be established to verify the simulation results. The influence factors on pressure characteristics, such as the fault energy density, fault location, duration and transformer tank internal structure, etc. will be researched. Additionally, combined with the simulation data and dynamic test data, the pressure distribution and variation rule in transformer tank will be analyzed. According to the transient pressure amplitude, pressure variation tendency and steady pressure characteristics vary in different conditions such as internal/external faults and t
英文关键词: Power transformer;Oil pressure;Non-electric protection;Multi-physics coupling;Gas relay