项目名称: 基于玉米冠层结构变化的季节蒸散模型
项目编号: No.51309132
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 水利工程
项目作者: 刘春伟
作者单位: 南京信息工程大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 玉米是我国主要粮食作物之一。实现玉米生长过程的蒸散模拟,不仅能完善蒸散量的计算方法,更可明确玉米需水量,从而进行合理灌溉,实现玉米田的高效用水。研究主要包括三部分,首先,分析玉米不同发育阶段冠层结构(缝隙度分布、叶面积指数、叶倾角分布)的动态变化规律,确定测定玉米冠层结构的最优方法,为建立精确的玉米蒸散模拟模型奠定基础;其次,在玉米田蒸散量实测的基础上,研究其季节变化规律以及与降雨、辐射、风速、温湿度等环境因素之间的数量关系,分析特定天气条件下农田蒸散量的变化规律,为不同气象条件下农田灌溉管理提供参考;最后,在P-M、S-W和C模型的基础上,考虑玉米不同发育阶段蒸散冠层遮荫对土壤蒸发的影响,通过将冠层结构分析中得到的遮荫比率参数引入多源模型,提高季节蒸散量的估算精度。
中文关键词: 蒸发蒸腾量;玉米;液流量;叶面积指数;Penman-Monteith模型
英文摘要: Maize is an important crop in China. Simulation of the seasonal evapotranspiration helps better calculate water consuming and get water saving in agriculture.Our research contains three parts. Firstly, analyze the seasonal variance of the references, such as gap fraction distribution, leaf area index, and leaf inclination angle in maize canopy, and choose a better method to calculate leaf area index from hemispherical photograph for simulation of evapotranspiration; secondly, measure the transpiration and evaporation of the maize, acquire the relationship between evapotranspiration and meteorology references as precipitation, radiation, wind speed, temperature and relative humidity; thirdly, take canopy cover in different seasons into account in calculating evaporation base the Penman-Monteith, Shuttleworth-Wallace, and Clumping models and precisely estimate the season evapotranspiration of maize.
英文关键词: Evapotranspiration;maize;sap flow;leaf area index;Penman-Monteith model