项目名称: 黄海沿岸的核残亚纲纤毛虫原生动物研究
项目编号: No.41276139
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 宋微波
作者单位: 中国海洋大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 核残迹类纤毛虫为一大类典型的潮间带-潮下带内沙栖原生动物,作为氧化-还原生境中的菌食性优势类群,在颗粒碳回收、近岸微食物网中具有重要的能量转换枢纽地位。由于多种原因,该类群在国际范围内是整个纤毛门中迄今了解最少的一个纲,在我国的过往研究中则完全空白。本项目将聚焦山东沿岸的黄海海区,涉及多样性、时空分布、DNA建库、分子鉴定技术及目-科-属级阶元的分子系统发育等,借此填补我国及温带海区该类群研究的空白,为相关研究的深入和拓展提供一份现代技术基础上的重要素材,也为生态学、环境生物学、海洋原生动物区系多样性、分子系统学等领域的研究奠定基础,为国际Genbank中相关种类标记基因信息的完善形成建设性积累,此外,本工作还将为阐释纤毛虫"原始类群"的分化-演化-进化及系统地位等悬疑问题迈出探索性的第一步。
中文关键词: 核残迹类;多样性;形态分类学;系统发育;
英文摘要: The karyorelictid ciliates are a big assemblage habiting the tidal area, which are psammonphilic and play very important roles in microbiolweb and costal ecosystem. Due to several reasons, this group is very much poorly-known all through the world. In our previous faunistic studies which were performed in the past 20 years focusing on the Yellow and Bohai Seas free-living ones, this group was never been investigated. The current project will be working on: diversity, spatial and temporal distributions, DNA bank construction, species identification using molecular methods and phylogenetic analyses etc. The main aims are: to supply the basic data about these poorly known forms, and contribute to the related fields, e.g. marine biodiversity, environmental biology, ecology, molecular systematics and evolution etc. In addition, our studies might be the necessary base for further studies on those interesting organisms.
英文关键词: karyorelictean;diversity;taxonomy;phylogeny;