项目名称: 支持多粒度重用的三维装配体多源信息融合发掘研究
项目编号: No.51475371
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 张杰
作者单位: 西北工业大学
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 在虚拟产品开发环境中,冗繁的模型定义工作是耗费人们精力的主要环节。因此,从已有CAD模型中获取具有共性的可重用信息,对缩短产品开发周期、促进虚拟环境的智能化有重要的理论意义和科学价值。 本项目开展三维装配体多源信息融合发掘研究,提出一种支持模型信息多粒度重用的新思路。首先,融合几何、工艺、功能和物理特性等要素,探讨设计意图在零件关联性传递方面的演化规律,采用关联度定量分析方法实现装配体的广义模块划分。其次,依托边界表示模型的二维数值表征空间,建立装配体结构相似性精细分析方法,实现广义模块中整体结构、局部结构和配合约束的统一定量比较。然后,考虑广义模块的设计共性和局部特性,建立融合局部差异的典型模块发掘和特性归约方法,实现设计单元中不同设计优化结果的表征。从上述理论研究和实验分析,支持具有信息完整性和通用性的设计单元多粒度重用,丰富虚拟产品开发领域的CAD模型信息自动发掘理论体系。
中文关键词: 多粒度重用;三维装配体;多源信息;融合发掘
英文摘要: In virtual product development environment, the tedious definitions of models have been the main factor which is responsible for the time-spending and energy-consuming of designers. Therefore, the acquisition of the reusable information, which have the common properties in design, from the existing models have significant theoretical and scientific meaning for shortening product development period and promoting the intelligence of virtual environment. This project studies fusion mining of multi-source information on 3D assembly and gives a new way to support multi-granularity reuse of design model information. Firstly, the evolution of design intent by the transfer of parts' relevance is explored with the merging of geometry, process, function and physics attributes, and the partition of generalized module is achieved with the quantitative analysis of the parts' relevance. Then, a similarity comparison method of assembly structure is presented with a 2D numerical representation space of B-rep model, and realizes the uniform quantitative comparison of generalized module which integrates the whole structure, local structure and mating constraint. Lastly, considering the common properties of design and the unique properties of local region in generalized module simultaneously, the discovery and unification of typical module with the tolerance of difference in local region is studied, which implement representation of the optimizational result in different design unit. With the theoretical research and experimental analysis above, the multi-granularity reuse of the design unit with the completeness and universality of information can be supported and the automatic information mining theory of CAD model for virtual product development can be improved.
英文关键词: multi-granularity reuse;3D assembly;multi-source information;fusion mining