项目名称: 基于高频率分辨力谱估计技术与优化算法的异步电动机初发故障检测方法研究
项目编号: No.51277077
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 许伯强
作者单位: 华北电力大学(保定)
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 灵敏、可靠地实现异步电动机初发故障检测具有重要意义。但是,当前异步电动机初发故障检测方法广泛基于傅里叶频谱分析而存在局限性- - 无法摆脱频率分辨力/采样时长的限制,在负载波动、噪声等干扰情况下可能失效,"灵敏、可靠"无从谈起。这是当前亟待解决的难点问题、关键问题。为此,本项目将对高频率分辨力谱估计技术与优化算法展开研究并将其结合以实现异步电动机初发故障的灵敏、可靠检测。研究内容、意义如下:(1) 提出适于异步电动机初发故障特征提取的新型高频率分辨力谱估计技术以及与之匹配的新型优化算法。这具有工程应用价值,在信号处理领域/优化领域亦具科学意义。(2) 进而,提出基于高频率分辨力谱估计技术与优化算法的异步电动机初发故障检测新方法。将高频率分辨力谱估计技术与优化算法结合而应用于电机故障检测领域尚属首次,具有创新性。该方法可望真正实现异步电动机初发故障的灵敏、可靠检测,具有广阔工程应用前景。
中文关键词: 异步电动机;故障检测;高频率分辨力谱估计;优化;
英文摘要: The sensitive/reliable detection of incipient fault in induction motors has been of profound importance in improving system safety, reducing outage time and repair costs. Unfortunately, the current detection methods seriously suffer the following problem: they are all puzzled by the limit of Frequency Resolution and Measurement Time derived from Fourier Transform, on which they are generally based, and thus they always lose their sensitivity/reliability in much reality where unstable interference such as load fluctuation and random noise is inevitable. This has been the key problem in the detection of incipient fault in induction motors. Aiming to solve it, this proposal will deeply research High Frequency Resolution Spectrum Estimation Technique and Optimization Algorithm, and smoothly combine them to detect incipient fault in induction motors, sensitively and reliably. This objective will be implemented by the following work: (1) To present novel high Frequency Resolution Spectrum Estimation Techniques, which are suitable for extracting the features of incipient fault in induction motors, and the matching Optimization Algorithms; (2) Based on that, novel methods, sensitive/reliable for detecting incipient fault in induction motors, will be furthermore presented. It can be expected that the sensitive/reliable d
英文关键词: induction motors;fault detection;high frequency-resolution spectrum estimation;optimization;