项目名称: 基于时空检测的拥堵交通网络本征提取及快速疏散算法研究
项目编号: No.61304195
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 丁恒
作者单位: 合肥工业大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 拥堵日益成为城市交通的普遍问题,严重影响道路网络正常运行和城市可持续发展,为了缓解交通管理压力,快速、有效的交通拥堵疏散亟待解决。疏散策略必须依据有效的疏散算法,因此基于固定检测器和浮动车的时空检测数据,针对拥堵发生状态下城市道路网络交通流快速疏散算法进行研究。首先结合道路网络基本参数,建立拥堵区域、拥堵疏散影响区和相干影响区边界选取模型;其次以界定的拥堵路网影响区和居民出行动态OD数据为基础,建立基于离去率的交通拥堵区变化趋势分析模型;再次采用主成份分析理论建立拥堵区域各拥挤度区间路线指引与驾驶员路径选择行为差异模型,进一步提出宏观动态交通诱导与交通控制协同优化作用下拥堵区交通流快速疏散算法;最后选取设置有完善交通控制与管理设施的典型路网,进行在途实验及参数标定,使建立的拥堵交通流快速疏散算法更能适应实际特征,为提升拥堵道路交通运行效益、改善交通拥堵状况提供科学的理论与方法支持。
中文关键词: 交通拥堵;时空检测;交通诱导;边界控制;宏观基本图
英文摘要: Urban traffic is increasingly becoming a universal problem, which seriously affects the normal operation of road network and urban sustainable development. In order to alleviate the pressure on traffic management, the problem of rapid and effective traffic congestion evacuation needs to be solved urgently. Evacuation strategy must be on the basis of effective evacuation algorithm, therefore according to the temporal and spatial detection data of fixed detectors and floating cars, the research on rapid evacuation algorithm of traffic flow under the state of heavy urban road network has been carried out. Firstly, combined with the basic parameters of road network, the model for selecting boundary of congestion area, congestion evacuation affected area and coherent affected area has been established. Secondly, based on the defined affected area of congestion network and the dynamic OD data of residents travel, trend analysis model of traffic congestion area has been established on the basis of the dispersing rate. Thirdly, the model of route guidance in each crowded degree interval and driver path choice behavior disparity in the congestion area has been established by means of principal component analysis theory, and furthermore, under the collaborative optimization effect of macro dynamic traffic induction and tr
英文关键词: traffic congestion;temporal and spatial detection;traffic guidance;boundary control;macroscopic fundamental diagram