项目名称: 协作通信混叠时变信道估计与时频同步研究
项目编号: No.61471176
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 张涵
作者单位: 华南师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 协作通信模式是当前无线通信领域的研究热点。现有中继协作的无线传输模式及相应的优化传输方案大多依赖于通信节点间同步且无线信道状态信息已确知的理想假设。因此,准确获取通信节点处于移动状态的实际复杂通信环境下的信道状态信息具有重要的理论意义及实际工程价值。本课题针对协作通信系统通信节点处于移动状态下的混叠时变信道估计及时频同步检测展开研究,拟采用改进的基扩展模型对多中继混叠时变信道建模,以减小模型建模误差及待估计参数;利用自回归模型针对信道模型基系数建模,使信道模型兼备外推修正能力;拟采用时分复用导频与时域隐含导频序列联合进行的鲁棒信道估计及时频同步检测,在尽可能减少传输效率的前提下提升估计性能与检测精度;将选取合理的目标函数联合优化时分导频与隐含导频序列,采用矩阵不等式及优化理论求解。课题理论与实验研究结果将为移动环境下的中继通信资源分配及优化提供部分理论依据和技术基础。
中文关键词: 协作通信;混叠时变信道估计;导频设计;时频同步
英文摘要: Cooperative communication has become an active research in the field of wireless communication. Current transmission and optimization protocol for multi-relay cooperative communication is based on the assumption that the source node, the relay nodes and the destination node are perfectly synchronized and the channel state information is perfectly known. It is essential to acquire the channel information under practical scenarios where the transmission nodes are mobile and there exists possible timing- and frequency offset between each node pair. Our research focus on cascaded channel estimation and synchronization for multi-node relay cooperative systems over mobile environment. Specifically, our work will include the following parts: Firstly, the cascaded time-variant channel can be modeled by specific complex unviersal basis, which is also modeledd by autoregressive (AR) model, aiming at reducing the unknown coefficients. Secondly, we perform channel estimation and time-frequency-synchronization for mobile cooperative communication systems by using both time-division multiplexed training and superimposed training. Last but not least, with respect to the proposed estimator, we jointly optimize the time division multiplexed and superimposed training sequence with regard to specific objective functions. Our work will provide thoretical and technical basis for the resource allocation and optimization of multi-relay cooperative standards over mobile environment.
英文关键词: cooperative communication;cascaded time-variant channel estimation;pilot design;time- frequency-synchronization