项目名称: 薄膜电池周期纳米结构的广谱陷光设计与性能分析
项目编号: No.61306072
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 李凤
作者单位: 嘉兴学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 利用纳米颗粒对薄膜电池表面进行陷光,已经引起了广泛关注。然而,已有的研究未能有效解决广谱波段的陷光问题,相应的机理研究也待进一步深入。本课题拟分析和设计一种前表面和背场都具有陷光性能的薄膜电池。基于散射、衍射和波导的机理,我们将分析并明确在短波长光谱范围(300~500nm),电池前表面的三维周期性介质纳米结构的尺寸对散射耦合效率、波导效应和衍射效应的影响,以及在长波段范围(700~1200nm)与透射率的相关性,从而设计对短波长具有高陷光效率和对长波长具有高透射率的电池前表面。基于表面等离子激元、衍射和波导的机理,我们将分析并阐明在长波长光谱范围,电池背场的二维金属反射光栅尺寸和形貌对表面等离子激元、衍射效应和波导效应的影响,从而设计具有高反射率的金属光栅背场。本课题的研究结果对薄膜电池的实验研究具有重要的理论意义和实际价值。
中文关键词: 纳米颗粒;反射率;透射率;陷光效应;
英文摘要: The light-trapping of thin film solar cells by using nano-particle has attracted extensive attention. However, the light-trapping at wide-range wavelength has not been solved resultfully and the researches on corresponding mechanism also need further penetration. This work has analyzed and designed the front and back field of thin film solar cells, which are high-efficiency light-trapping structure. Based on the mechanisms of scattering, diffraction and waveguide, we will analyze and clarify the influence of nano-structure size on the scattering coupling efficiency, waveguide and diffraction efficiency at short wavelength (300~500 nm) and on the transmission at long wavelength (700~1200 nm). Then, we will design the front surface of thin film solar cell with high-efficiency light trapping at short wavelength and high-efficiency transmission at long wavelength. Based on the mechanisms of surface plasmon polaritions, diffraction and waveguide, we will analyze and make known the influence of the size and shape of metal grating on plasmon polaritions, diffraction and waveguide efficiency at long wavelength. Then, we will design the back surface field of thin film solar cells with high efficiency of reflectivity at long wavelength. This work will be of important theoretical and practical value for experimental resear
英文关键词: nanno particle;reflection;transmission;light trapping;