项目名称: 多自主体系统集体行为若干关键问题研究
项目编号: No.61203141
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 陈鸽
作者单位: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 复杂性科学被称为21世纪的科学。以多自主体系统为重要切入点的复杂系统研究已经成为热点和前沿方向,但一般性理论尚未建立,其主要原因是对微观层次上个体的行为及相互作用如何影响宏观层次上系统的结构和功能这一过程理解还不够深入,尚存在大量关键问题没有解决。本项目拟对噪声环境下生物集群模型(如Vicsek模型、Buhl模型等)的同步行为、无噪声生物集群模型的同步临界条件估计、以及舆论动力学中异质DW模型和HK模型收敛性公开问题展开深入研究。这些问题涉及同步或聚集等集体行为产生过程的本质,属于多自主体系统研究的核心问题,目前存在大量的仿真结果,但理论研究方面几乎还是空白。这极大妨碍了对复杂系统的深入了解和多自主体理论的进一步发展。本项目拟将控制论、渗流理论等学科相关工具与上述问题自然结合,积极探索新方法解决这些问题,并可能促进多自主体系统理论、控制论和渗流理论等学科的交叉融合,为复杂系统研究提供新方法
中文关键词: 多个体系统;自组织;自驱动粒子模型;同步;舆论动力学
英文摘要: Famously, the physicist Stephen Hawking has predicted that the 21st Century will be "the century of complexity". The investigation of multi-agent systems is an important entry point for the study of complex systems. The complex systems have become a hot issue of research in various fields, however, its theoretical basis has not been established till now. One of the main reasons may be that the process of how the interactions of agents on the micro-level affect the structure and function of the total system on the macro-level has not been well understood, and there still exist many key problems have not been solved. This project will study the following problems: (i) the synchronization property of some bio-cluster models in noisy environments, such as Vicsek model and Buhl model; (ii) the estimation of the critical conditions for synchronization in some bio-cluster models without noise; (iii) the convergence proofs of the inhomogeneous DW model and HK model, which are the open problems on opinion dynamics. These problems, which are closely related with the processes of synchronization and aggregation, are the key problems in multi-agent systems. Though a number of simulations have existed, the theoretic analysis of these problems is still lack, which has seriously hindered the development of the theory of comple
英文关键词: multi-agent system;self-organization;self-propelled particle system;consensus;opinion dynamics