项目名称: 无线传感器网络中多路径路由及非干扰路由的研究
项目编号: No.61300207
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 张可佳
作者单位: 哈尔滨工程大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 在传感器网络中利用多条路径特别是多条不相交路径进行路由可以有效的提升路由的可靠性、吞吐量以及网络的负载平衡。多路径路由的核心问题是优化地寻找源节点和目的节点间多条不相交路径。不相交路径是多条除了源节点和目的节点外不包含任何其它公共节点的路径。另一方面,因为共用同一信道,不同路径上的节点会因为距离较近而发生无线干扰。路径间大量的无线干扰会很大程度上降低路由的吞吐量、增加节点的能量消耗。为此,非干扰路径的概念被提出。多条路径是非干扰路径如果它们彼此之间不存在无线干扰。利用多条非干扰路径进行路由可以进一步提升路由的性能。本课题将研究在传感器网络中优化地寻找多条不相交路径或非干扰路径进行路由的问题。优化的目标包括最小化路径的代价之和、限制每条路径的代价、最小化路径间的无线干扰等等。这些问题要么缺少适合传感器网络的算法,要么缺少理论研究,要么是首次被提出。预期的研究将具有重大的理论和实际意义。
中文关键词: 无线传感器网络;多路径路由;不相交路径;非干扰路径;分布式算法
英文摘要: Routing with multiple paths, especially multiple disjoint paths, in wirelss sensor networks will effectively improve the performances of routing in the aspects of reliability, throughput and load balance. The key problem of multi-path routing is optimally finding multiple (disjoint) paths connecting the source and the destination . A set of paths are disjoint paths if they do not have any common nodes except the source and the destination. On the other side, since all the nodes share the same channel, there are wireless interferences among the nodes on different paths which are close to each other. A lot of wireless interferences among routing paths will greatly reduce throughput of routing and increase energy comsumption of sensor nodes. Thus, the notion of non-interfering paths is proposed. A set of paths are non-interfering paths if there is no wireless interference among these paths. Routing with multiple non-interfering paths will further improve the performance of routing. This subject will research on the problems of optimally finding multiple disjoint paths or non-interfering paths for routing in wireless sensor networks. The optimization goals include minimizing total cost of the routing paths, limiting cost of each routing path, minimizing wireless interference among the routing paths. Some of these pr
英文关键词: Wireless Sensor Networks;Multi-Path Routing;Disjoint Paths;Non-Interference Paths;Distributed Algorithm