项目名称: 秦川牛肉质性状基因表达调控网络解析及功能基因鉴定
项目编号: No.31272411
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 昝林森
作者单位: 西北农林科技大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 本项目针对我国目前良种肉牛品种匮乏、高档牛肉生产困难这一关键问题展开研究,以闻名海内外的我国地方黄牛的代表性品种- - 秦川牛为研究对象,记录该品种内肉质性状存在显著差异的公牛、母牛、阉牛生长发育过程中肉质性状的表型数据,利用基因芯片技术构建公牛、母牛、阉牛不同发育时期肌肉组织的基因表达谱,筛选和挖掘影响秦川牛肉质性状的重要候选基因,并进一步在秦川牛肌细胞中验证目标基因的功能,构建秦川牛肉质性状的基因表达调控网络,从分子水平揭示基因表达与秦川牛肉质性状的相互关系,初步阐明秦川牛肉质形成过程中分子遗传调控机制,进而鉴定出影响秦川牛肉质形成的重要功能基因,为秦川牛肉用选育改良奠定基础,同时也为培育中国特色的优质肉牛新品种提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 秦川牛;肉质;基因表达谱;基因网络;功能基因
英文摘要: This project aimed to the key problems that there is little special beef breeds of our own in China,and lack of high-quality beef.Qinchuan cattle is one of the best and famous indigenous yellow cattle breeds in China, in this project, we will conduct a meat qulity analysis in different ages to investigate the gene expression profiles of the longuissimus dorsi (LD) muscle tissue from Qinchuan cattle of different sexes (intact males, castrated males and females) and screen differential expressed genes in the LD muscle tissue from Qinchuan cattle with different sexes at 36 months of age, we will do our best to construct the gene expression network during the meat quality traits formed. Genes identified will be further validated in vitro in myocyte of Qinchuan cattle. Our study will be beneficial in clarifying the molecular genetics mechanisms of beef quality in Qinchuan cattle, and these data will contribute to improving the cattle breeding and the beef production with more excellent meat quality and relevant studies of other speices.
英文关键词: Qinchuan Cattle;Meat quality;Gene expression profiles;Gene-network;Functional genes