项目名称: 大气化学氧化过程对中重度雾霾持续时间的影响
项目编号: No.41275125
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 陈忠明
作者单位: 北京大学
项目金额: 88万元
中文摘要: 雾霾天气是灾害性天气之一,对大气能见度、工农业活动、交通运输、人体健康和生态环境产生诸多不利影响。严重雾霾天气危害很大,往往引起公众的极大关注。近年来我国雾霾天出现频次增加,持续时间增长,但原因尚不完全清楚。目前,人们很难通过人工改变风速风向等物理过程来缩短雾霾的持续时间。通过改变影响雾霾形成和演变的化学过程来减轻雾霾则可能是一条可行的途径。本项目拟从大气化学角度出发,研究雾霾颗粒物在大气中演变规律,着重研究中度和重度雾霾天气中颗粒物在大气氧化过程中其组分变化与雾霾持续时间的关系。通过分析雾霾颗粒物关键组分,并现场实验研究雾霾颗粒物氧化反应、光解反应以及微量气体与雾霾颗粒物反应,以雾霾观测和实验研究结果为基础,结合文献调研和气象条件分析,利用气-粒分配和颗粒物沉降模型等评估氧化反应与雾霾持续时间的关系。研究结果为雾霾大气模式提供有用的物理化学参数,为预警和治理中度和重度雾霾提供科学依据。
中文关键词: 大气氧化剂;挥发性有机物;雾霾;多相反应;矿质颗粒物
英文摘要: Fog and haze weather is one of the severe weathers. This weather will affect atmospheric visibility, industrial and agricultural activities, transportation, human health and ecological environment. The heavy fog and haze is harmful, and it often arouses a great public concern. It has been shown that the frequency and duration of fog and haze episode increased obviously in China in recent years. However, the available knowledge is not enough to understand these phenomena. Currently, it is difficult for one to control the atmospheric physical processes, such as the wind speed and wind direction, to shorten the duration of the fog and haze episode. It seems to be a feasible way to shorten the fog and haze duration by changing the chemical processes that affect the fog and haze formation and evolution. The present project plans to study the evolution of the fog and haze particles in the atmosphere from the perspective of atmospheric chemistry. Our work will mainly focus on the change of components in particulate matter in heavy fog and haze episodes due to the atmospheric oxidation processes and the relationship between the particle oxidation and duration of fog and haze episode. We will employ a field reactor to investigate the reactions of oxidation, photolysis, and trace-gases uptake on the particles through onli
英文关键词: Atmospheric oxidants;Volatile organic compounds;Fog and haze;Heterogeneous reactions;Mineral dust particles