项目名称: 基于跨层网络编码感知的无线传感器网络节能路由协议研究
项目编号: No.61502411
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 邵星
作者单位: 盐城工学院
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 针对网络编码应用于无线传感器网络路由中容易出现的网络编码失效、丢失潜在网络编码机会、数据流聚集、时延增长等问题,拟展开如下工作:提出具有普适性的网络编码条件,以提高网络编码感知准确性;提出基于路由与拓扑控制和覆盖控制跨层协作的网络编码感知机制,以增加网络编码机会;设计跨层路由度量,并和多径路由结合,以均衡负载和能耗分布;基于网络微积分理论,对路由时延定量建模分析,设计节点队列虚拟化机制、数据流速率自适应匹配方法、面向虚拟队列的数据包调度算法,以减少编码数据包的排队处理时延;运用NS2和实际部署使用所提路由的无线传感网系统对所提路由进行仿真并验证其性能。本项目综合考虑了跨层、节点能耗、网络能耗分布和时延等问题,提出的路由可节省传输能耗、均衡流量和能耗分布、延长网络生存时间、降低因网络编码带来的时延增长,将会促进网络编码感知路由在无线传感网中的实用化,具有一定的学术理论意义和工程应用价值。
中文关键词: 无线传感器网络;网络编码感知;跨层;节能;路由
英文摘要: When network coding is applied in the wireless sensor network routing, some problems arise such as network coding failure, potential network coding opportunity loss, flow aggregation and delay growth. To address these problems, this project proposes cross-layer network coding aware based energy efficient routing for wireless sensor network, and intends to carry out the following work: propose universal network coding conditions in order to improve accuracy of network coding aware; present network coding aware mechanism based on the cross-layer idea of routing interacting with topology and coveragence management to increase network coding opportunities; design cross-layer routing metric, and combine it with multipath routing to balance the network load and energy consumption; establish the model of network coding aware routing’s delay based on the network calculus theory, design the node queue virtualization mechanism, the data flow rate adaptive matching method, and virtual queue oriented packet scheduling algorithm to reduce queue processing delay of coded packets; simulate proposed mechanisms using NS2 to verify their performance, and finally verify the energy efficiency of proposed routing through the deployment of a real wireless sensor network using cross-layer network coding aware based energy efficient routing. Jointly considering the node energy consumption, energy distribution and latency issues, the proposed cross-layer network coding aware based energy efficient routing could save transmission energy, balance load and energy consumption throughout network, extend network lifetime and reduce delay growth due to network coding operator,which will promote the practical application process of cross-layer network coding aware based energy efficient routing in wireless sensor networks, and have important academic significance and application value .
英文关键词: wireless sensor network;network coding aware ;cross layer;energy efficient;routing