项目名称: 许氏平鮋妊娠生理特征及代谢组学对温度胁迫的响应机制
项目编号: No.41476110
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 温海深
作者单位: 中国海洋大学
项目金额: 92万元
中文摘要: 海水温度剧烈波动(温度胁迫)可对鱼类性腺发育和生殖过程产生不良影响,近年来北部海区出现的海冰导致的温度胁迫可能影响了卵胎生许氏平鮋的生殖活动及其种群数量补充,而关于卵胎生鱼类妊娠生理适应与进化机制的系统研究尚未见报道。本课题采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)、基因和蛋白表达、内分泌学等检查方法,通过研究野生许氏平鮋生殖周期,查明其妊娠期(受精、受精卵发育、仔鱼发育、分娩)生理特征;观测温度胁迫对实验鱼血清代谢组学的影响,分析它们在此过程中变化规律;采用本实验室建立的基因与蛋白检测技术进行代谢通路寻找和功能验证,结合代谢组数据确定许氏平鮋妊娠期发挥主效作用的候选基因,建立妊娠检测代谢物标记。通过这些研究,在理论上阐明卵胎生鱼类妊娠生理的代谢组学机制,为揭示鱼类生殖进化策略奠定基础,在实践上为近海岩礁鱼类资源保护与灾害性环境因子评估提供科学依据.
中文关键词: 海洋生物学;分子机制
英文摘要: The significant changes or stress of ocean temperature have an adverse effect on gonad development and reproductive process of fish, and this leads to the sharp decrease of offshore Sebastes schlegeli population. It was speculated that water temperature stress from sea ice may influence the reproduction activity and the recruitment of offshore rockfish population. However, there are not systematic reports about the physiological adaptation and evolutionary mechanism of ovoviviparous fish during pregnancy. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS) method, molecular biology and endocrine techniques were used to clarify the physiology characteristics of Sebastes schlegeli during gestation period (fertilization, fertilized egg development, larva development, parturition) by studying the reproductive cycle of wild Sebastes schlegeli in this research. The effects of temperature stress on gonad metabolomics pathway were observed and we analysed the content change of related gene and hormone. Related gene expression and hormone marker detection methods which obtained in our laboratory were used to verify and determine some major candidate genes and sex hormones playing key roles in the pregnancy of Sebastes schlegeli, and then pregnancy molecular marker detection method was established. These studies clarified pregnancy metabolomics physiological mechanism of ovoviviparous fish in theory, laid the foundation for revealing ovoviviparous fish reproductive evolutionary strategy and provided the scientific basis for resources protection and severe environmental factors assessment of offshore rockfish in practice.
英文关键词: marine biology;molecular mechanism