项目名称: 基于声子晶体带隙特性的地震作用下周期性筏板基础-框架结构动力相互作用研究
项目编号: No.51308327
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 姚宗健
作者单位: 山东建筑大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 本课题拟基于声子晶体带隙特性,以周期性筏板基础-框架结构共同作用体系为主要研究对象,采用有限元数值模拟和实验室振动台模型试验两种方法,对地震作用下周期性筏板基础-框架结构的动力相互作用进行基础科学研究。具体内容包括:①考虑筏板基础在竖直方向的周期性,利用Abaqus软件建立周期性筏板基础-框架结构相互作用分析的有限元模型,确定周期性筏板基础的带隙与框架结构的自振频率之间的关系;②在此基础上,采用整体分析的方法研究水平和竖向地震作用下周期性筏板基础和框架结构的动力响应特性;③采用实验室振动台模型试验测定不同结构型式的周期性筏板基础-框架结构体系的频响曲线,与有限元模拟结果相对比,最后对周期性筏板基础进行优化分析。本课题旨在低频宽带隙范围内揭示周期性筏板基础的隔震性能,为周期性筏板基础的抗震设计以及声子晶体带隙特性在建筑结构中的实践应用提供参考。
中文关键词: 筏板基础;声子晶体;周期性基础;地震作用;动力相互作用
英文摘要: Based on the characteristics of phononic crystal, dynamic interaction of periodic foundation - frame structure under the action of earthquake would be studied using both finite element numerical simulation method and experimental method of shaking table model in laboratory。Specific content includes: ①accounting the periodicity in the vertical direction, to establish the finite element analysis model of periodic foundation frame structure using Abaqus, and to determine the relationship between the band gap of periodic foundation and the vibration frequency of frame structure; ②then, characteristics of dynamic interaction of periodic foundation and frame structure under the horizontal and vertical earthquake using would be studied; ③Frequency response curve of periodic foundation - frame structure using laboratory shaking table model test would be determined, compared with the finite element simulation results, optimization analysis of raft foundation would be carried out finally. This paper aims to reveal a periodic basis isolation property at the low frequency wide band gap range, and to provide references on both design of periodic foundation and application of phononic crystal bandgap characteristics in practical of building structure.
英文关键词: raft-foundation;phononic crystal;periodic foundation;sesimic loads;dynamic interaction