项目名称: 面向应急对地观测任务的多平台协同调度方法研究
项目编号: No.71271213
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 祝江汉
作者单位: 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学
项目金额: 53万元
中文摘要: 目前,我国航天、航空装备进入了综合利用发展阶段,但在实际应用中,逐步暴露出信息实时获取能力和持续保障能力不足等问题,严重制约着在应急行动中的应用。卫星、临近空间飞艇与无人机/有人机是实现对地观测的三类有效平台。但是三类平台资源工作方式各异,各具优势,同时又存在各自的局限性,因此迫切需要对三类平台的协同调度问题开展研究,提高其在应急条件下的综合应用效能,以满足应对应急事件突发性和不确定性的需求。针对以上问题本项目致力于以下4个方面的研究:(1)任务描述与分解:提取各类任务需求描述的特征,对复杂任务进行分解;(2)资源建模与能力度量:构建资源能力描述模型;研究资源能力与任务需求匹配方法;(3)资源优化配置:设计资源部署方案,研究资源动态调整配置方法;(4)任务协同分配:研究多平台协同任务分配结构、模型及算法。本项目的研究具有重要理论及实践意义,可以有效提升对应急事件的快速响应和持续保障能力。
中文关键词: 调度;协同;应急;多平台;对地观测
英文摘要: Currently, the development of space and aviation equipments in our nation has turned into the phase of intergrated application. However, the scarcities of the capability of obtaining real-time information and consecutive conservation have appeared gradually, which restricts the application of the equipments in emergency. Satellite, aeroboat and airplane/unpiloted airplane are effective platforms observing the earth. However, the working schemes of the three kinds of platforms are different, with their own advantages and limitions, respectively. Hence, the investigation on the collaborative scheduling of the three platforms is seriously required, improving the intergrated application efficiency in emergency, to satisfy the requirements of dealing with the outburst and uncertainty of emergencies. To solve the above problems, we will set about our investigation in the following four folds: (1) task description and decomposition: pick up the characteristics of the description of all kinds of task requirements, disassemble complex tasks; (2) resource modeling and capability measuring: construct the depiction model of resource capability; develop the matching methods between resource capability and task requirement; (3) resource optimization collocation: design the scheme of resource disposition, investigate the dynam
英文关键词: scheduling;cooperation;emergency;multiple platforms;earth-observing