项目名称: 水面溢油红外偏振检测方法研究
项目编号: No.40876095
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 王峰
作者单位: 中国人民解放军陆军军官学院
项目金额: 27万元
中文摘要: 水面溢油检测是当前备受关注、急需解决的难点问题。本项目主要研究利用水和溢油的红外偏振特性差异检测溢油的理论和方法,由于该研究同时利用水面溢油的标量信息(能量)和矢量信息(方向),不能简单沿用传统的检测方法,因此,探索水面溢油红外偏振信息融合方法成为关键。研究结果包括:水面溢油红外偏振信息获取试验、水面溢油状况与其红外偏振特性的关系模型、水面溢油红外辐射强度信息和红外偏振信息融合方法、水面溢油红外偏振特性数据库。主要创新在于构建了水面溢油与其红外偏振特性关系模型,提出并验证了基于红外偏振特性的水面溢油检测方法,为水面溢油检测提供了重要的方法支持,对水面溢油检测技术的发展起到重要的推动作用。
中文关键词: 水面溢油;红外偏振;关系模型;融合方法
英文摘要: It is paid much attention on the problem of detecting spilled oil on water currently and this problem needs to be solved immediately. The research of this project is mainly on the theory and method of detecting spilled oil on water by the infrared polarization characters difference between water and spilled oil. The infrared polarization information fusion is the key point because the traditional detection method can not applied to this project which is utilized the scalar (energy) and vector (direction) information together. The results of this research conclude: the test on the obtaining infrared polarization information of spilled oil on water, the relationship model between the spilled oil condition on water and its infrared polarization characters, the fusion of spilled oil radiant intensity information and infrared polarization information, the database of spilled oil on water infrared polarization characters. The innovation of this project is mainly about constructing the relationship model between spilled oil on water and its infrared polarization characters, advancing and validating the detection method of spilled oil on water based on its infrared polarization characters. Those results supply an important method of detecting spilled oil on water, and promote the development of spilled oil on water detection technology.
英文关键词: Spilled oil;infrared polarization; relationship model;fusion method