项目名称: 城市桥梁拆除爆破塌落振动对市政管线的损伤机理和安全判据研究
项目编号: No.51508569
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 建筑环境与结构工程学科
项目作者: 刘影
作者单位: 中国人民解放军陆军工程大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 城市桥梁拆除中爆破拆除法因在安全、工期和环境影响等方面具有明显优势而得到更多利用。但是,城市桥梁下方水、电、气等各类浅埋管线纵横分布,且可能分布地铁隧道、人防工事和排洪涵洞等市政设施。因此,亟需开展城市桥梁爆破塌落振动对市政管线的损伤机理及安全判据研究,确保爆破安全。本课题拟运用理论分析、缩尺模拟和原型试验、数值计算与工程应用相结合的研究方法,以及应用基于改进提升小波包变换的地震波信号分析方法,建立表征桥体、各类市政管线间本质关系的非线性粘弹塑模型。最终得到城市桥梁爆破塌落冲击荷载作用下各类市政管线结构的动力响应特性和损伤机理,以及能够同时考虑市政管线结构特性、塌落振动地震波三要素(振幅、频率和持续时间)及能量分布特征的综合安全判据。研究成果不仅对复杂环境下城市桥梁爆破拆除工程确保各类市政管线安全具有理论指导意义和工程应用价值,同时对城市各类高耸建筑物爆破拆除工程也具有借鉴和参考价值。
中文关键词: 塌落振动;地震波传播;市政管线;损伤机理;安全判据
英文摘要: City bridge demolition blasting demolition method for security, time limit for a project, and has obvious advantages in environmental impact, etc and get more use. City under the bridge, however, water, electricity, gas and other kinds of shallow buried pipelines vertical and horizontal distribution, and distribution of subway tunnels, civil air defense works and having culverts and other municipal facilities. Therefore, needs to carry out the city bridge blasting collapsing vibration damage mechanism of municipal pipelines and safety criterion research, to ensure the blasting safety. This topic proposed the use of theoretical analysis, scale simulation and prototype test, numerical calculation and engineering application of the combination of research methods, and application based on wavelet packet transform Blasting demolition method get more use for security, time limit for a project, and has obvious advantages in environmental impact, etc in city bridge demolition. However, under the city bridge, water, electricity, gas and other kinds of shallow buried pipelines vertical and horizontal distribution, and possible distribution subway tunnels, civil air defense works and having culverts and other municipal facilities. Therefore, we need to carry out the research on damage mechanism and safety criterion of municipal pipelines in City Bridge blasting collapsing vibration to ensure the blasting safety. This topic proposed to use the combination methods of theoretical analysis, scale simulation and prototype test, numerical calculation and engineering application, and application the vibration signal analysis methods based on increased wavelet packet transform, establish a nonlinear viscoelastic model which characterization nature relationship of the bridge and all kinds of municipal pipeline. Finally the dynamic response characteristics and damage mechanism based on the collapsing vibration of city bridge demolition blasting to municipal pipeline can be got, the comprehensive safety criterion which can include the three elements of the blasting seismic wave (amplitude, frequency and duration) and energy distribution characteristics. Research results has theoretical guidance meaning and value of engineering application in the city bridge engineering of blasting demolition under complicated environment to ensure that all kinds of municipal pipeline safety, and has reference value as well as all kinds of blasting demolition in the city towering buildings.
英文关键词: Collapsing vibration;Seismic wave propagation;Municipal pipeline ;damage mechanism ;safety criterion