项目名称: 以腔QED为节点的分布式量子计算及其相关问题的研究
项目编号: No.61275119
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 叶柳
作者单位: 安徽大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 现有的物理体系由于受到自身可扩展性的限制和消相干的影响,使得量子计算网络难以实现。将具有有限的可控粒子的物理体系作为量子计算网络的节点,通过量子通信信道相连接实现分布式量子计算是解决这一问题的有效途径。量子计算不仅需要量子态联系于不同的节点之间,而且需要可控的量子操作。本项目将在腔量子电动力学(腔QED)体系下,结合原子与光子的优势,开展节点间可扩展量子态的制备、量子逻辑门的构建、量子算法的实现等研究,建立量子计算网络,实现系统中节点间量子信息的有效操控,完成多节点协作的分布式量子计算;研究量子关联在实际物理体系下的演化规律及其在量子计算中的应用,寻求更宽松条件下实现量子计算的可行性,并解决量子计算研究中可能出现的新问题。结果将进一步推动量子计算基础研究与技术的发展。
中文关键词: 消相干;量子纠缠;量子关联;量子相变;Hawking效应
英文摘要: The present physical systems are difficulty in realizing quantum computation network due to limit of their scalability and decoherence. The effective approach for solving such problems is using physical systems of the controllable numbered particles as the nodes of quantum computation network connected by quantum communication channel to realize distributed quantum computation. Quantum computation requires not only quantum states to connect different nodes but also controllable quantum operations. In the system of cavity quantum electrodynamics (cavity QED), our project will unite the advantages of atoms and photons to make some researches, such as generation of the extensible quantum states, construction of quantum logic gates and implementation of quantum arithmetic between nodes. Establish quantum computation network, realize effective manipulation of quantum information between the systemic nodes and complete distributed quantum computation with the collaboration of multiple nodes. We will study evolution of quantum correlation in real physical system and its application in quantum computation, search feasibility of realizing quantum computation under more loose condition, and solve possible new problems during the process of researching quantum computation. These results will promote the development of the
英文关键词: Decoherence;quantum entanglement;quantum correlation;quantum phase transition;Hawking effect