项目名称: 一米红外望远镜狭缝扫描系统研制
项目编号: No.11273058
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 许骏
作者单位: 中国科学院云南天文台
项目金额: 58万元
中文摘要: 一米红外望远镜已经投入试观测,光谱仪目前已调试完两个通道。按科学目标和技术方案要求,一米红外望远镜采用光谱仪的形式来获取二维光谱。本项目申请的经费用于:研制狭缝扫描系统,通过摆动M6镜面来实现二维狭缝扫描;研制狭缝监视系统,用于监视缝前像;研制时间同步系统,用于确保所有图像在同一时刻被采集。
中文关键词: 狭缝扫描;二维光谱;光谱仪;一米新真空太阳望远镜;
英文摘要: NVST has been put into use one year ago; and two channel of its spectrumgraph has been set up. This proposal is for: Slit scan system, that is changing NVST's M6 into a tip-tilt in order to getting a 2-D spectrum; Slit Watch over system, to monitor the relationship between the slit and the solar surface; Time Synchronization sytem, to make sure the images (and spectrum) are taken at exactly the same time.
英文关键词: Slit scan system;Two dimension spectrum;Spectrograph;New Vacuum Solar Telescope;