项目名称: 基于氧化还原功能性纳米膜的电化学纳米加工研究
项目编号: No.21273183
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 时康
作者单位: 厦门大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 为满足未来对纳米精度大面积平坦化和复杂三维纳米结构的批量加工需求,本项目拟从原理创新发展电化学纳米加工方法。拟采取的策略是在工具(模板)电极表面制备一层氧化还原功能性纳米膜。均一的膜厚既能使膜面反映出电极表面纳米结构,又易使工具和工件间形成高精度间隔;氧化还原膜独特的电子传导方式,既能防止通过膜层间接接入电化学系统的工件发生电化学阳极氧化,又能使膜上所有功能基团被电化学氧化还原;电化学氧化后的基团仅能化学氧化与之接触的工件表面,实现高精度约束刻蚀,以纳米精度将电极表面结构加工复制在工件表面。本项目拟通过对大面积氧化还原纳米膜的精确制备、固-固表面纳米间隙的精密控制,以及间隙内氧化还原纳米膜的物理化学行为等关键理论问题开展系统研究,阐明约束刻蚀加工的物理化学反应过程和高精度高质量表面的形成机理,弄清影响纳米加工效率、表面质量的关键因素,建立可控的加工方法,为高精度纳米加工提供先进理论与技术。
中文关键词: 纳米加工;约束刻蚀层技术;距离敏感刻蚀;氧化还原水合凝胶;三维纳米结构
英文摘要: In order to meet the demand for large-scale planarization and complex 3-dimensional nano-structure at nano-precision, this project proposes to develop a new nano-machining method from the principle innovation. A new strategy for electrochemical nano-machining will be taken by fabricating (or modifying) a redox functional nano-film on the tool-electrode (mold electrode). In the case of its uniform thickness, the redox film surface is able to reflect the nano-structure of the electrode surface at a high resolution. When such a film is used as a middle layer between the tool-electrode and the workpiece, a high-precision interval will be easily achieved and/or controlled. Moreover, the unique electron-hopping transfer of the redox film will prevent the electrochemically anodic oxidation of the workpiece that indirectly links with electrochemical workstation. It is also duo to electron-hopping transfer that all of functional groups within the film can take part in the electrochemically reversible reaction. After being electrochemically oxidized, the functional groups chemically oxidize the workpiece only at the point where they are touching. The chemical etch thus is confined at nano-precision and finally results in a fully complementary surface between the tool-electrode and the workpiece. This project plans to syst
英文关键词: nanomachining;confined etchant layer technique;distance-sensitive etching;redox hydrogel;3D nano structure