项目名称: 高矫顽力掺杂铁酸钇磁光晶体的生长与性能研究
项目编号: No.51272044
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 庄乃锋
作者单位: 福州大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 磁光材料是新一代信息产业中不可或缺的关键功能材料。YFeO3晶体具有磁光优值高、响应速度快、矫顽力高等优点,有望用于超快磁光开关和无外磁场磁光隔离器等新型磁光器件。但大尺寸YFeO3晶体的生长极为困难,晶体高矫力磁性行为的起因和变化规律尚未明晰,有待进一步深入的研究。本项目从晶体生长方法上进行创新,采用导模提拉法生长大尺寸、高质量YFeO3单晶,破解该类晶体的生长难题。同时结合晶体微结构解析和量子化学理论计算,研究晶体的高矫顽力磁性行为、磁光效应产生机理,在此基础上探寻具有高矫顽力、高磁光优值的掺杂YFeO3磁光晶体。项目研究有望获得新型的磁光功能材料,从而促进新一代信息技术的发展,并进一步丰富晶体材料生长方法与理论。晶体高矫顽力产生机理的研究还可能为探寻、开发新型磁性材料提供借鉴与参考。
中文关键词: 磁光晶体;矫顽力;磁光薄膜;晶体结构;晶体生长
英文摘要: The magneto-optical material is indispensable key functional material for the new generation of information industry. YFeO3 crystal with high magneto-optical figure of merit, fast response, high coercivity, is expected to be used for new type of magneto-optical devices, such as the ultrafast magneto-optical switch and the magneto-optical isolator without the external magnetic field. However, it is very difficult to grow large-size YFeO3 crystal. The causes and the variation law of the high coercivity force of YFeO3 crystal is not yet clear. All these needed a further in-depth research. This project will attempt to innovate the crystal growth method, grow YFeO3 single crystal with large size and high quality by using EFG method. By combining with crystal microstructure analysis and quantum chemical calculations, this project also plans to study the mechanisms of the high- coercivity magnetic behavior and the magneto-optical effect of YFeO3 crystal. Based on these researchs, this project is expected to obtain a new magneto-optical functional materials with high coercivity and high magneto-optical figure of merit and then promote the development of new-generation information technology. The research on the crystal growth of YFeO3 crystal by using EFG method can further enrich the methods and theories of crystal gro
英文关键词: magneto-optical crystal;coercivity;magneto-optical film;crystal structure;crystal growth