项目名称: 宽带/多频段高效率混合模式极坐标发射机关键问题研究
项目编号: No.61501455
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 冷永清
作者单位: 中国科学院微电子研究所
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 极坐标发射机技术几乎完美地解决了效率与线性度之间的矛盾,在通信系统中有着广泛的应用前景。但其带宽和效率却受到开关类(如E类)功率放大器的窄带特性、电源调制器转换速率与效率的矛盾、“feed-through”效应引起的信号失真等因素的制约,限制了其应用推广。本项目针对极坐标发射机的工作带宽和效率问题,提出了宽带/多频段高效率混合模式极坐标发射机结构:采用连续工作模式加二次谐波阻抗匹配的方法,拓宽E类功率放大器的带宽;采用多频点匹配网络加超宽阻带低通滤波技术,实现多频点E类功率放大器。采用开关级和线型级相结合的方式研制混合式电源调制器,解决转换速率、带宽与平均效率之间的矛盾。研究驱动调制和包络调制相结合的混合调制模式,揭示混合调制方式和幅值门限对极坐标效率的影响规律,消除“feed-through”效应引起的信号失真。试制宽带/多频段高效率混合模式极坐标发射机,并构建其理论研究体系。
中文关键词: 混合模式极坐标发射机;E类功率放大器;开关-线性组合模式电源调制器;宽带;多频段
英文摘要: Polar transmitter technology is almost the perfect solution to the contradiction between efficiency and linearity, and has broad application prospects in communication systems. But its bandwidth and efficiency are mainly constrained by the bandwidth of switch mode (class-E) power amplifier, the contradictions between slew rate, bandwidth and average efficiency of the envelope channel, as well as signal distortion caused by “feed-through” effect. In order to improve the bandwidth and efficiency of polar transmitter, we proposed a broadband, high-efficiency, hybrid-mode polar transmitter architecture. Firstly, the bandwidth of the class-E amplifier is improved by using continuous operation modes. A multi-frequency matching network and a harmonic suppression network, which is a low-pass filter with outstanding wide stopband performance, are used to realize multi-band class-E power amplifier. Secondly, the contradictions between slew rate, bandwidth and the average efficiency are overcome through the combining-model power supply modulator, which is combined by a switch stage and linear stage. So the bandwidth and overall efficiency of envelope channel are improved. The hybrid-model modulation is studied which is combined with a drive modulation and a drain modulation. The influences of the signal’s hybrid modulation and the amplitude threshold the efficiency of the polar transmitters are also researched, and the signal distortion caused by “feed-through” effect is eliminated. Thirdly, according to the theoretical results, the sample of hybrid-model polar transmitter is fabricated. Subsequently, the test and optimization are also carried out. In the end, a novel polar transmitter with broadband, high efficiency and multi-model is achieved, and its theoretical research system is also established.
英文关键词: hybrid-model polar transmitter;class-E power amplifier;switch-linear combining stages power supply modulator;broadband;multi-band