项目名称: 霾、雾和细颗粒物PM2.5的相互关系及其来源、形成机制和控制对策
项目编号: No.21277030
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 环境科学、安全科学
项目作者: 庄国顺
作者单位: 复旦大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 细颗粒物引起的严重灰霾覆盖了我国几乎所有大中城市,成为我国大气环境面临的严重问题。本研究拟在长江三角洲特大城市上海建立超级大气监测站,加上我们已设立在我国两个主要沙尘源区和若干典型城市及海岛上的12个气溶胶长期观测点,在已有前五年长期观测数据的基础上,继续开展3-4年观测,重点是细颗粒物PM2.5, 同时在上海和海岛花鸟岛观测站,采集雾样品,连续3-4年逢雾必采,并应用CESM全球模型降尺度到中国进行区域双向耦合WRF-CMAQ空气质量模拟,深入研究中国典型区域细颗粒物的形成机理和输送过程对大气光学特性的影响,从而深入论证我国城市群因细颗粒物产生的严重灰霾和雾霭的形成机制,揭示沙尘和生物质燃烧所产生的气溶胶与人为气溶胶的混合和相互作用及其长途传输对我国城市空气质量的影响,同时揭示在全球气候变化下中国的空气质量变化,为防治细颗粒物严重超标及其产生的严重灰霾和雾霭问题提供对策。
中文关键词: 雾;霾;形成机理;细颗粒物;长途传输
英文摘要: The heavy haze caused by the fine particles, covers the most areas of eastern/central China, including almost all of the big/middle cities. Based on the continuing monitoring and sampling aerosol, especially PM2.5 for 3-4 years in 12 sites set up in the typical areas, including the two major dust source areas, the several typical urban cities, the remote islands in East China Sea, and the super-monitoring site in the megacity, Shanghai, plus the fog sampling in Shanghai and the island wheneevr the fog is occurred, this project plans to investigate the formation mechanism and transport of fine aerosol over the typical areas of China, to reveal the formation mechanism of the heavy haze and fog over the urban city-groups, and to demonstrate the mixing and interaction of dust, including those generated by biomass burning, with pollution aerosol during the middle/long-range transport and its impact on the unban air quality, while to reveal the change of air qiality of China under the global change with model study of downscaling from global CESM to regional two-way coupling WRF-CMAQ in China. As a result, this project would provide the strategy for the control of the fine particle as well as the heavy haze/fog pollution.
英文关键词: Fog;Haze;Formation mechanism;Fine particle;Long-range transport