项目名称: 基于单分子层化学的荧光薄膜传感性能拓展的新途径
项目编号: No.20803046
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 轻工业、手工业
项目作者: 丁立平
作者单位: 陕西师范大学
项目金额: 19万元
中文摘要: 根据项目合同书所确定的研究任务,围绕基于单分子层化学进行荧光传感薄膜的设计、制备和性能研究开展工作。在青年基金的支持下,项目组以极性结构基团对荧光小分子进行功能衍生,并将其以单分子层化学组装方式固定于基质表面,设计制备了多种结构新颖的荧光薄膜传感器,进行了各种表界面表征和光物理性质研究,并完成了对功能薄膜的性能评价。研究发现,以极性连接臂和疏水性荧光小分子修饰的荧光薄膜,对硝基芳烃类化合物以及多种金属离子不仅有良好的传感选择性和灵敏度,还可通过对荧光物种不同聚集态以及不同溶剂中响应信号的采集,可以实现对结构相似或性质相似物质的指纹图谱识别,大大拓展了此类薄膜的传感性能。项目资助期间发表标注论文10篇,均为SCI收录论文(其中影响因子大于4的6篇,大于20的1篇),培养硕士研究生4名。
中文关键词: 荧光;功能薄膜;单分子层;传感;识别
英文摘要: According to the tasks of the contract, the project focused on design, development, and studies on the sensing properties of fluorescent film sensors based on monolayer chemistry. Supported by the Youth Foundation, a series of small fluorophore derivatives with novel structures were designed and synthesized, and immobilized on solid surfaces via monolayer assemblies. Various surface characterization methods and fluorescence techniques have been used to study the surface properties and photophysical properties of these fluorophore-functionalized films as well as their sensing behavoirs. It has been revealed that these fluorescent films containing polar spacers and hydrophobic fluorophores not only exhibit high sensitivity and selectivity towards nitroaromatic compounds and some metal ions, but also provide recoginition pattern (fingerprint) responses towards these structually similar or chemically similar chemicals, which significantly enlarge the sensing ability of these types of fluorescent film sensors. Over the past three years, 10 SCI research papers labeled with NSF have been published (6 papers with IF > 4, and 1 paper with IF > 20 ) .
英文关键词: Fluorescence; Functional Film; Monolayer; Sensing; Discrimination