项目名称: 面向主动安全控制的工程车辆动态信息获取与状态辨识
项目编号: No.51505176
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 姚宗伟
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 主动安全控制是保障车辆驾乘人员生命安全的有效手段,已经成为当前相关领域的研究热点。由于工程车辆工作环境复杂、载荷多变、结构粗放等特点,使得其风险预警的实时性、准确性和可靠性等难以达到要求,制约了主动安全控制的发展。为突破该瓶颈,本项目开展基于自供电传感和无线传输的工程车辆动态信息获取以及基于多源信息融合的车辆状态辨识研究。首先,对包含轮胎作用力、动态重心位置、多轴加速度、侧倾角、行驶速度等在内的工程车辆主动安全关键参数检测机理进行研究,建立高实时性动态信息获取系统;在此基础上,利用人工神经网络建立关键参数与车辆状态之间的映射关系模型,基于D-S证据理论对所采集的多源信息进行决策融合,完成车辆状态的准确、可靠辨识,并开展相关试验研究。本课题的研究成果将为工程车辆风险预警提供新的研究基础和方法,对促进我国车辆动态信息获取、状态辨识、主动安全等领域相关研究的进一步发展具有重要的理论和现实意义。
中文关键词: 工程车辆;主动安全;动态信息获取;多源信息融合;状态辨识
英文摘要: Active safety control, which is a research hotspot, is an effective means to protect the safety of vehicle drivers and passengers. The complicated operating conditions, heavy duty, and extensive structures of engineering vehicles negatively affect the relevant effectiveness, accuracy, and reliability of their early warning systems, thus restricting the development of active safety control. To break through this bottleneck, studies on the dynamic information acquisition of engineering vehicles based on self-powered sensors and wireless transmission, as well as vehicle status identification with multi-source information fusion integration, are conducted. The mechanisms of detecting the key active safety control parameters of engineering vehicles, including tire force behavior, dynamic center of gravity, multi-axis acceleration, roll angle, and driving speed are studied. Furthermore, a highly real-time dynamic information acquisition system is established. On this basis, a mapping relational model of the key parameters and states of vehicles is established by using an artificial neural network. The decision-making fusion of all multi-source information collected, as well as accurate and reliable vehicle status identification, is completed by using D-S evidence-based theory. Furthermore, relevant experimental studies are conducted. The research findings on this topic will provide new research basis and methods for the early warning of engineering vehicles and have great theoretical and practical significances on promoting the further development of China’s dynamic vehicle information acquisition and status identification, intelligent machinery, and so on.
英文关键词: Engineering Vehicle;Active Safety;Dynamic Information Acquisition;Multi-source Data Fusion;State Identification