项目名称: 合成气低氧稀释燃烧的机理研究
项目编号: No.50806076
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 武器工业
项目作者: 张哲巅
作者单位: 中国科学院工程热物理研究所
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 利用一种典型的低氧稀释燃烧的实现方式,运用实验和数值模拟相结合的方法优化流动组织形式,研究建立合成气Mild Combustion的热力学及化学动力学特性、实现合成气Mild Combustion的流体动力学特征,以及其对合成气组分变化的适应性。在分析合成气燃机和Mild Combustion特点基础上提出一种便于深入研究且可以反应燃机燃烧室特点的Mild Combustion的实现方式。针对几种典型的模型合成气,利用实验和CFD模拟相结合的方法优化Mild Combustion的流动组织形式。从热力学和化学平衡的角度研究建立Mild Combustion所需要的组分浓度、温度及掺混比等热力学特性。利用计算和实验相结合的方法,研究Mild Combustion对于合成气组分变化的适应性。本项目的研究结果将为开发合成气燃气轮机柔和低氧稀释燃烧室提供理论依据和基础实验数据。
中文关键词: 合成气;柔和燃烧;流动特性
英文摘要: In a typical MILD combustion style, the thermodynamics, chemical dynamics, fluid dynamics and the flexibility to the variety of the composition of syngas of MILD combustion was investigated by experimentally and numerically. Based on the characteristic of the gas turbine fueled syngas and the MILD combustion, a MILD combustion style will be proposed which could be research deeply and reflect the feature of the gas turbine combustor. Aim at some kinds of typical model syngas, the fluid style will be optimalized by experimentally and numerically. The thermodynamic futures, such as concentration of species, temperature and proportion of the mix, will be researched from the thermodynamics and chemical equilibriums. The flexibility to the variety of the composition of syngas of MILD combustion was investigated by experimentally and numerically. The research results of the project will propose the theoretical and experimental data for the development of the gas turbine MILD combustor.
英文关键词: syngas; MILD combustion; fluid dynamics;