项目名称: 动态优先权随机服务系统优化策略研究
项目编号: No.71201154
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 管理科学与工程
项目作者: 谢金贵
作者单位: 中国科学技术大学
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 随着经济的发展,服务产业在国民经济中所占的比例越来越高。关于服务系统的运作管理的研究也得到了越来越多的重视。本研究项目主要讨论一类带动态优先权的随机服务系统。通过对实际问题的调研和分析,本项目研究将建立对应的随机排队模型。研究内容主要包括以下四个部分:(1)讨论动态优先权随机服务系统的稳定性条件;(2)分析动态优先权随机服务系统的各类性能指标,研究系统性能指标和系统参数之间的内在关系;(3)讨论动态优先权随机服务系统的优化控制,求解优化控制策略以及设计简单实用的启发式策略;(4)对医院运作管理进行调研和分析,验证模型和理论结果的有效性。本项目的研究内容是服务运作管理研究的热点和难点。通过对该项目的研究,有助于改善带优先权随机服务系统的管理与控制,提高服务系统的运作效率。
中文关键词: 排队论;优先权;优化控制;服务系统;医疗运作
英文摘要: Service industry plays a very important role in well developing and developed countries. More and more operations research has been focused on service systems. The uncertain market and human behavior make service systems quite complicated. In this project, we will discuss a type of stochastic service systems with dynamic priorities. Based on real problems, we will establish corresponding queueing models with multiple classes of customers and servers. Our research includes four main parts: (1) study the stability of the stochastic service system; (2) analyze the performance of stochastic serveice systems, and do sensetive analysis on variant system parameters; (3) study on the dynamic control problem, find out the optimal policy structure and design simple and efficient heuristic polices; (4) study application on hospital operations management, verify the model and justify the theoretical results. Our research problem is new and hot in service opeartions management. Our research result will help improve the effeciency of stochastic service systems, specially with dynamic priorities.
英文关键词: Queueing theory;Priority;Optimal control;Service system;Health operations