项目名称: 二维晶体系统的应变和输运性质研究
项目编号: No.11474255
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 蒋永进
作者单位: 浙江师范大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 本项目拟研究若干二维晶体(如石墨烯、硅烯、二硫化钼等)的应变和输运性质。首先,我们将借助如对称性分析、紧束缚模型等各种方法研究含各种应变的二维晶体材料的低能有效模型。然后,我们将按以下几个方面研究其输运性质:(1)、利用应变来实现电荷或者谷自旋电流的泵浦效应;我们将在前期石墨烯体系有关的研究基础上考虑更多的实验相关的实际条件,争取找到实际的体系来实现理论预想的效应;(2)、结合杂质、外场的作用研究二维晶体材料中的拓扑边缘态和输运的关系,重点关注Anderson拓扑绝缘体的机理和实验实现。(3)、设计基于二维晶体材料的微纳电子学和自旋电子学器件,为新型二维晶体的应用前景做探索性的基础研究。通过本项目的研究,我们将努力在二维晶体材料的国际性研究前沿中做出有特色的研究成果,并为活跃国内在这方面的研究氛围贡献一份力量。
中文关键词: 二维晶体;输运性质;应变;石墨烯;拓扑绝缘体
英文摘要: Through this project we plan to study the strain and transport properties of the two dimensional crystals,e.g.,graphene,silicene and MoS2, etc. Firstly, we will use some methods such as symmetry analysis and tight binding model to obtain the low energy effective model for the two dimensioanl crystals under various strains.Then,we will study the transport properties from the following aspects:(1). Explore the possibility of experimental realization of charge and valley pumping effect through strain manipulation.Based on the related previous work on graphene,we would consider more experimentally relevant conditions and try to find proper system to realize the proposed effect.(2).Study of the impurity and external field effect on the topological edge state and transport property of the two dimentional crystalline materials, paying particular attention to the mechanism and experimental realization of Anderson topological insulator.(3).Design of some devices based on two dimensional crystalline materials, and to explore the application potential of these materials in the field of micro(nano)-electronics and spintronics.Through these research efforts, we would try to contribute some valuable results on the international research frontier of the two dimensional crystalline materials and add an effort to activate the research atmosphere on this area in our country.
英文关键词: two dimensional crystal;transport property;strain;graphene;topological insulator