项目名称: 面向场境感知的时态数据模型研究
项目编号: No.61272067
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 汤庸
作者单位: 华南师范大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 客观数据对象都有隐式或显式的时态属性。在传统的应用中,时间因素隐含在数据表示与处理当中。随着各种新型应用场境数据管理实际需求,在面向场境感知的应用中"显式"处理时间属性越来越重要。这种需求呈现出应用场境与时间因素相互纠缠,在技术实现上难以分立处理等重要特征,已成为应用迫切需要解决的关键问题。 本项目面向语义、互联网和移动对象等典型场境研究面向场境感知的时态数据模型;重点研究场境感知的时态数据管理框架,场境依赖的时态数据索引和查询技术和算法,基于场境感知的时态应用模式,拟解决适合场境感知的时间演算体系,时间与多场境集成机制等关键技术。预期研究结果将为面向场境感知应用的时态数据库管理提供新思路与技术,可以广泛应用于云计算(语义场境)、务联网(互联网场境)和物联网(移动场境)中时态数据管理,有着广阔应用前景。
中文关键词: 时态数据模型;场境感知;语义;务联网(社交网络);移动对象
英文摘要: Time is the nature attribute for every data object. All data objects have either implicit or explicit temporal attributes in information systems.In most traditional applications,temporal attribute is implied in data processing. To meet the actual needs of data management nowadays, processing time as a explicit attribute in context-aware oriented applications has become more and more important.The key technic gap to model this information services system is how to management independently the time factor of the data based on context-aware. In this project, we will research the temporal data model for context awareness based on three typical contexts awareness, which are semantics context, internet context and mobile objects context awareness. Focus on the design of temporal data management frame oriented context awareness, the query and index technologies for temporal data based on context awareness, and the application mode based on context dependent. To resolve the key technologies and algorithms that including the design of time calculations system for context-awareness by graph theory and the integration mechanism between time and multi-contexts. The expected results come from this research will provide new methods and technologies for temporal database management based on which the context-awareness and ca
英文关键词: temporal data model;context awareness;semantic;internet of service(social network);mobile object