项目名称: 空间/协同保护结构的构筑及其对纳米电催化剂的稳定化作用
项目编号: No.21273152
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 陈维民
作者单位: 沈阳理工大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 纳米贵金属电催化剂是低温燃料电池广泛采用的催化剂,其催化活性和电化学稳定性是影响电池性能和使用寿命的关键因素。长期以来,纳米电催化剂在电池内部环境中的失活一直是阻碍低温燃料电池实现产业化的瓶颈之一。本课题致力于构建具备空间保护和协同保护作用的纳米电催化剂结构,以减少因活性组分溶解流失、纳米粒子迁移团聚等因素导致的电催化剂失活,提高纳米电催化剂在电池工作环境下的稳定性和使用寿命。所采用的方法包括表面覆盖保护、嵌入式保护以及空间/协同保护等。以空间阻隔效应抑制纳米电催化剂粒子的迁移和团聚,以组分协同效应提升活性组分的氧化电位,阻止其溶解和流失。通过优化材料组成和空间结构,确保催化剂表面结构具有优良的传质性能和电子导电性。借助对催化剂电化学稳定性及其影响因素的深入考察,探究纳米催化剂的活性保护机制,为高稳定性电催化剂的开发提供理论和实验依据。
中文关键词: 电催化剂;稳定化;载体;空间;协同
英文摘要: Noble metal nano-electrocatalysts are widely used catalysts in low temperature fuel cells. The catalytic activity and electrochemical stability of electrocatalyst are key factors that influence the performance and the life time of fuel cells. For a long time, the activity loss of nano-electrocatalysts under fuel cell environments has become one of the most important obstacles to the commercial application of low temperature fuel cells. In order to mitigate the activity loss of electrocatalysts caused by the dissolution of active components and the agglomeration of catalyst nanoparticles so as to improve the stability and lifetime of electrocatalyst under fuel cell environments, this project try to construct protective nano-catalyst structures based on the space effect and the synergetic effect. The methods used include the surface coverage, the particle embedment and the space/synergy protection, and so on. The migration and agglomeration of electrocatalyst nanoparticles are inhibited by the space obstacle effect, and the dissolution and loss of active components are mitigated by the synergetic effect between catalyst components. The good mass transport ability and the high conductivity of the protected catalysts are awarded by the optimization of the material composition and the space structure. The activity-pr
英文关键词: electrocatalyst;stabilization;support;space;synergy