项目名称: 高空长航时定点飞艇基于特征模型的鲁棒自适应控制
项目编号: No.61273199
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 李智斌
作者单位: 北京控制工程研究所
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 高空飞艇正在成为国内外航空航天领域关注的热点,亟待加强有关应用的基础理论方法研究,特别是环境变化影响给长航时悬停期间的定点保持控制提出了严峻挑战。长航时定点保持期间,主要受大气风场和热交换等环境影响,它们都同地理纬度和季节时间有关。风场变化的随机性给水平面内位置保持带来很大困难,太阳辐射、内部气体对流换热带来的日夜温差导致高度保持问题的复杂性,采用固定结构和参数的控制器难以确保系统的稳定性和定点精度。除了质量惯量、气动参数的不确定性外,还存在换热经验参数、气体质量吸排操纵参数、推进及其矢量操纵参数等的不确定性,给控制鲁棒性提出很高要求。 为此,本申请开展针对性研究,具体分析高空飞艇模型参数的不确定性特点和长航时运行环境变化的特点,建立其紧密耦合非线性系统的特征模型,进行特征参数辨识和基于特征模型的鲁棒自适应控制方法探索及实验研究,为高空飞艇长航时定点控制的工程实现提供一定的理论方法依据。
中文关键词: 高空飞艇;环境变化;系统分解;特征模型;鲁棒自适应控制
英文摘要: The high-altitude airship has become the focus of domestic and foreign studies in aerospace engineering. However, it needs to strengthen the fundamental theories and approaches of relevant application urgently, especially the challenge to station-keeping control during long-endurance hovering, which is affected seriously by environment changes. The pointing accuracy is mainly effected by atmospheric wind field and heat exchange during long-endurance hovering and they are all related with geographical latitude and seasonal time. And also, the randomness of the wind field changes leads to enormous difficulties to station-keeping control of airship in the horizontal plane. Meanwhile, the altitude holding problem is also much complex because of the temperature variation in days and nights which is influenced by solar radiation, gas convection and heat and mass transfer, etc. Moreover, controllers with fixed structure and parameters can not ensure the stability of the system and station-keeping precision. Not only the uncertainties of mass and inertia, aerodynamic parameters, but also the uncertainties of heat transfer empirical parameter, the parameter of the mass of gas absorption and exhaust, and propulsion, vectoring operation parameters, demand much more stronger robustness on control system. Therefore, our proj
英文关键词: high altitude airship;environment change;system decomposition;characteristic model;robust adaptive control