项目名称: 青藏高原工程走廊热融滑塌变形监测分析与预警研究
项目编号: No.41301508
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 罗立辉
作者单位: 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 地下冰融化、多年冻土退化等冻土问题诱发的热融滑塌严重影响青藏高原工程走廊内的工程建设和冻土环境。目前大多数研究从冻土热力学的角度出发,而很少从热融滑塌的实际变形角度来考虑,对热融滑塌在时间和空间上的位移变化的认识非常有限。本项目以青藏高原风火山地区的热融滑塌为研究对象,通过部署GNSS、倾角和土壤温湿度传感器的无线传感器网络监测系统,结合可视化建模和模拟计算等方法,重点研究:(1)高寒和冻融环境下的无线传感器网络稳定性;(2)冻土水热变化下的热融滑塌三维形变过程及其响应规律;(3)考虑位移变化的热融滑塌灾害预测与预警。基于以上研究,探索基于GNSS技术的无线传感器网络在青藏高原工程走廊热融滑塌变形监测上的重要性,揭示热融滑塌在时间和空间上的位移变化特征,为高寒和冻融环境下的实时监测系统的部署提供应用示范和技术支撑,促进青藏高原冻土区热融滑塌型斜坡失稳理论和研究方法的发展。
中文关键词: 冻土斜坡;变形;冻融循环;全球卫星导航系统;青藏高原工程走廊
英文摘要: Thaw slump, caused by permafrost degradation, ground ice melting, and so on, affects the engineering construction and permafrost environment in the Qinghai-Tibetan Engineering Corridor. Most of the current studies investigate from the angle of thermodynamics instead of the actual deformation of thaw slump; and the understanding of the spatial and temporal characteristics of thaw slump displacement is very limited. In this study, a Wireless Sensor Networks Observation System with GNSS sensors, tilt sensors, soil temperature and moisture sensors are proposed to be deployed in a typical thaw slump of Fenghuo Mountain regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan Engineering Corridor. Visualization modeling and simulation computing are applied to address the three key questions: (1) stability analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks in thaw slump under high-cold and freezing-thawing circumstance; (2) three-dimension surface deformation and response law of thaw slump under water and heat changes of frozen soil; and (3) disaster forecast and early-warning of thaw slump considering the displacement variation. The research aims to demonstrate the importance of Wireless Sensor Networks with GNSS technology in deformation measurement of thaw slump in the Qinghai-Tibetan Engineering Corridor; and to reveal the spatial and temporal characteri
英文关键词: Slope in permafrost;Deformation;Freeze-thaw cycle;Global navigation satellite system;Qinghai-Tibet engineering corridor