项目名称: 对比源反演算法在微波成像和弹性波成像中关键技术的研究
项目编号: No.61001042
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2011
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 缪竟鸿
作者单位: 天津工业大学
项目金额: 7万元
中文摘要: 微波成像属于逆散射问题,难于求解,因此成像算法的改进是决定重建图像质量的关键因素。目前主要采用的成熟算法是线性算法,由于采用了近似,因此线性算法本身存在着局限性,如图像不够精确而且无法获得目标内部的材料信息(介电参数或电导率等)。在一些要求高精度和高分辨率成像的国家级的大型科研项目中,如正在进行的"绕月探测工程科学数据应用与研究",线性算法能够起到的作用就非常有限,而非线性算法则可以克服线性算法以上的缺点,所以针对非线性算法的研究是非常有必要的。本课题是以一种非线性算法-"对比源反演算法"为研究对象,对该算法进行基础科学研究。主要内容是:实现三维空间的频域对比源反演算法;通过对实测微波数据重建成像,验证该算法在实际工程领域应用的可行性,从而将这种高效率的非线性算法应用于实际领域奠定理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 微波成像;逆散射问题;非线性算法;对比源反演算法;三维
英文摘要: Microwave imaging are inverse scattering problems, which are nonlinear and ill-posed in nature, hence the modification of the imaging method is the key factor to improve the quality of the images. The linear algorithms have been well developed and widely applied, but due to the approximation approach, the reconstructed images are not enough accurate and contain no information about the properties of the target (permittivity or conductivity). In some large research project which are in great need of accurate and high resolution images, such as the national key project (863 program)- "Application and Research on the Scientific Data of the Lunar Exploration", the linear algorithms are unable to meet the demands, while the nonlinear algorithms can overcome the disadvantages of the linear algorithms. Therefore, the research based on the nonlinear algorithms is very necessary. In this research project, the contrast source inversion (CSI) algorithm with extended approaches is applied to reconstruct experimental microwave data in three-dimension. Through the reconstructions, the accuracy and efficiency of CSI algorithm with extended approaches can be verified. thus it can be a feasible and promising method for practical application fields.
英文关键词: microwave imaging; inverse scattering problem; nonlinear algorithm; contrast source inversion (CSI) algorithm;three-dimension.