项目名称: 双极性脉冲放电协同催化降解水中持久性有机污染物(POPs)
项目编号: No.50807029
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 张若兵
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 液中放电等离子水处理技术是一种有良好应用前景的废水处理技术,是国内外的研究热点。针对现有放电等离子体技术在降解有机污染物时效率较低的问题,本项目提出利用双极性脉冲引发的气液固三相混合体中的放电,在整个反应器体相中形成均匀放电,获得更高浓度的活性物种和更均匀的等离子体,并协同催化技术处理难降解有机废水。通过研究不同脉冲电压下三相混合体的放电特性和机理以及不同工艺参数对脉冲放电规律的影响,掌握双极性脉冲电压作用下气液固三相混合体系中等离子体的形成方法,放电等离子体与催化的协同作用方式及机理。利用电气特性分析、光谱诊断和化学诊断手段,研究反应器中活性物种的产生规律及其与放电形式、能量及脉冲波形等参数的关系,为脉冲放电等离子体催化水处理技术提供必要的理论和技术指导。在此基础上,研究双极性脉冲放电催化反应器中难生物降解POPs的降解规律,获得最优的工艺参数,为该技术走向实际应用提供实验基础。因此,本项目的研究不仅具有重要的学术意义,而且有重要的实用价值。
中文关键词: 双极性脉冲;等离子体;催化;水处理;三相混合体
英文摘要: Water treatment by the direct electrical discharge in aqueous solutions is an innovative advanced oxidation technology of water treatment, which is a current research issue with a promising prospect. Currently, the main problem underlying the technology arises from the low power efficiency. Thus, bipolar pulsed discharge in gas bubbles-liquid-solid particles three phase mixture is investigated in the present project, generating uniform discharge plasma in bulk water and more active species. The plasma is then combined with catalyst and used for the treatment of the non-biodegradable organic wastewater. Electric discharge characteristics and possible mechanisms of the discharge in the three phase mixture will be detailed studied and effect of the processing parameters on the discharge will be examined. Finally, the method of the generation of the non-thermal plasma in complex mixture under bipolar pulsed voltage and the synergistic mechanisms of the non-thermal plasma and catalyst will be clarified. Relationships of the active species and the discharge patterns, power consumption and the pulse shape will be illustrated through several methods such as electrical diagnosis, spectral diagnosis and chemical diagnosis. And degradation mechanism of the Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the combined system will be investigated to obtain the optimized processing parameters and provide the experimental foundation for the practical application. Thus this research is of great theoretical and practical importance.
英文关键词: bipolar pulse;plasma;catalysis;water treatment;three phrase mixture